Poker Face

Free Poker Face by Adriana Law

Book: Poker Face by Adriana Law Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adriana Law
as her stance shifted
in her stilettos. “Who’s the wet mutt, Drew?”
    Wet mutt? Who the hell did Ms. Florida think she was? Megan was
five seconds away from giving her a shove she would remember when it dawned on
her. The girl was right. She looked like crap, worse than crap, hideous: her
hair was damp and tangled, her clothes were saturated, and she flinched as she
stared down at the chunky boots.
    She looked like a cross between Big Foot and little orphan Annie!
    "Excuse me, I was just going..." Megan tried to maneuver
around the girl, but it was hopeless. A corner of the girl’s mouth quirked with
understanding, and she purposely blocked Megan in.
    The deep chuckle behind her told Megan he was there. She felt him
purposely bump her backside as he passed knocking her off balance. She stumbled
forward like a clumsy moron, giving him the dirtiest look she could muster on
such short notice. Every nerve ending in her body came to life from the brief
bump. What was happening to her? This guy was turning her inside out, upside
down, and sideways.
    Do not look at him . Don’t you dare give him
the satisfaction.
    Megan’s gaze went to Drew’s arm which slipped possessively around
the girl’s tiny waist. He tugged the girl hard up against his chest, and leaned
in crushing her lips with his. For once in her life, Megan was speechless,
paying too close attention to the impressive lip action, instead of what she
should be doing, which was walking away. Even worse, Drew seemed to notice her
sudden interest as he finally broke the kiss and offered her a meek smile.
“Sorry Filly, forgot you were still standing there.”
    “By all means, continue.” Have sex in the barn if you want, I was
just leaving. Good grief Megan, get a grip. He’s not worth it. Don’t you dare
cry! You’ll never hear the end of it if you let your emotions take over.
    He cleared his throat, and gave the girl in his arms an
affectionate squeeze “Bailey, this is Megan, the girl I told you about.”
    “The bitch ruining your life?” The girl batted her eyes up at him.
    “Okay, I’m leaving now. Have fun you two. I’ll make sure to leave
you a blanket and pillow out on the couch for when you come dragging up
tonight, Drew.” His cheeks turned bright red making her almost feel sorry for
him. Good. She hoped she’d gotten him into trouble with his girlfriend, and he
wouldn’t attempt anything else stupid.
    The girl seemed oblivious to the tension between her boyfriend and
Megan, or didn’t care, her palms went to his chest. Her fingers twisted the
fabric of his shirt. “You’re all wet and smelly. Did you not take a shower?”
    As Megan was walking away she heard … “Um Filly, don’t think
anything’s changed. I still have every intention of sleeping in my bed.”
    Exhausted, Megan quickly showered and went straight to bed. She
rolled to her stomach and hugged her pillow to her with a content groan. Ah,
the bed all to herself. It was wonderful. She snaked out a leg enjoying the
coolness of the cotton sheets against her clean skin. Events from the day
replayed through her mind, her sheep jumping fences: the magnificent horse in
all her fury. Tink and her surprising fondness for the crusty old man. He was
likeable. Drew. He was a different story: irresponsible, immature, cocky… the
list was endless. Today was a clear indication this place was screwing with her
head for her to think otherwise. Briefly she’d found herself very much aware of
him. Sooner Megan listed the ranch with a realtor, found a buyer, and got the
hell out of here the better. If she got aggressive she could possibly have a
signed offer within the week, then she could go home, and things would go back
to normal. She would forget Drew Mackenzie even existed.
    She smiled.
    Yes, forgetting him would be good.
    Her eyes became heavy, heavier and heavier until she drifted off
for what felt like only

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