Poker Face

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Book: Poker Face by Adriana Law Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adriana Law
    “Move over, sleeping beauty.” Drew’s face was less than an inch
away from Megan’s. His breath smelled like a bottle of Jack Daniels, sweet and
overpowering. “Daddy’s home,” he added, collapsing down on her side of the bed
and nearly missing the mattress all together. He barked with laughter, slid off
one boat shoe, threw it across the room, and then went for the other his boney
elbow coming down in the center of Megan’s back.
    “Drew, seriously, I’m trying to sleep,” she squealed in pain.
    “Yeah, well, I’m drunk, and finding it difficult to stay upright.”
    Her foot rammed into his hip bone as she attempted to knock him
the rest of the way off the bed. “Tell me something that’s not obvious.”
    He gave her a wicked grin, half stood holding on to the side of
the mattress for support, ducked pulling his shirt off over his head, and
dropped his cargo shorts. Slow as possible he crawled—wearing only his boxers—
over Megan’s rigid form to his side when he could have easily walked around.
“I’m also horny.” Evidence of his erection was purposely rocked against her on
his way over. He added, “but, that’s obvious too.”
    She drew in a deep breath, confused by the excitement that coursed
through her body from his acknowledgement.
    “Get off me! You are disgusting!” Not only did he smell like a
brewery, he also smelled like loud perfume. Thoughts of the way he’d kissed his
girlfriend earlier caused Megan’s stomach to go queasy. She felt her blood
begin to boil. The way he’d grabbed onto the girl as if he had to have her
right then, right outside the barn, no matter who was watching. Megan actually
felt like vomiting, her insides knotted as if he’d betrayed her in some way,
which was ridiculous.
    A few glimpses of an actual caring guy under all the sexual
innuendos and she was already feeling herself swayed into believing he had an
actual heart beating somewhere inside him. And she was jealous of his
girlfriend! Good Lord, his closeness was driving her insane.
    What was this unpredictable attraction, and curiosity, and more
importantly where had it come from. Her sick need to fix someone broken? Wasn’t
that what girls went for—losers they could try to change? No. Megan had never
been attracted to those types. Why would she want someone she couldn’t find one
admirable quality in from the start? Drew was his father. No one could change
that, not even Ms. Florida who probably wasn’t even aware her boyfriend was
trying to get into her bed after no more than an hour after being away from
    Megan scooted over so she was on the very edge of the mattress,
giving him her back as he settled in under the covers. Drew slid over until his
body molded her backside. His long fingers curled around her hipbone, digging
“possessively” into her flesh as his breath hit the back of her neck. Heaven
help her, they were spooning! Goosebumps covered her entire body from his
    “What are you doing?” Megan snapped, looking over her shoulder at
    “What does it look like I’m doing? I’m getting comfortable.”
    “Not there, you’re not. Move over to your side.”
    “It’s cold over there.”
    “I don’t care if you freeze to death. You’re not sleeping up against
    He was quiet for what seemed like forever. Naïve, Megan actually
thought he was considering moving over, but needed extra time because of all
the alcohol he’d consumed. Either that or he’d passed out. If that was the
case, she’d just roll him over in a few minutes, no harm done. But then she
felt his wet lips in the curve of her neck, gently, making a slow searing path
towards her sensitive earlobes. If that wasn’t bad enough, his tongue retraced
the path his lips had taken. His teeth nipped and pulled at her flesh, as his
arms tightened around her waist. Her skin felt on fire. Involuntarily, her eyes
closed as she felt

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