Game Changer (Hell's Saints Motorcycle Club)

Free Game Changer (Hell's Saints Motorcycle Club) by Paula Marinaro

Book: Game Changer (Hell's Saints Motorcycle Club) by Paula Marinaro Read Free Book Online
Authors: Paula Marinaro
walked into the MC, Prosper had let out a deep sigh. His first go to was complete and selfish joy. Pure unabashed, unashamed happiness. He was going to be seeing his little darlin’ again. He knew that if she remembered after all this time, meant that she had never forgotten. There wasn’t a day that went by that he hadn’t thought about her and Claire.
    The second go to was anger, because on his watch, the bad had come around and found her. He wasn’t sure what the bad was, but Prosper knew that Raine had known some hard times and had found her way around them. For her to have come now, well, he wasn’t feeling good about what that meant.
    Prosper had kept a close watch on them for a very long time. Years. Last time he knew Raine was in nursing school and Claire had been working at a bank. Things seemed good and he was satisfied. Time had moved on for him and life happened as it does. Thinking the girls were in a good place, Prosper had eased up on those reigns.
    Now, after all these years, it was with mixed feelings that he pushed through that door. She had her back to him and that was enough to stop him cold. That long dark silky hair that hung to the small of her back, slim body, long legs. So much like her mom. His Maggie. The love of his life then, twenty years her being gone and still. Still the love of his life.
    Maggie’s girls. Raine and her sister was all he had left of her. He honestly thought never to see them again. Now here his little darlin’ stood. Coming to him for help, for counsel, maybe even for a home. It took everything he had to call out her name. He had no idea what to expect when she turned around. Not knowing how he would handle it if he saw Maggie’s face in hers. Not knowing how he would handle it, if worse, he didn’t.
    Then she turned slightly to him, her eyes averted. He could see her battered face and it looked bad. Really bad. Dark fury clouded his vision and he looked to his boys to make sure this would be dealt with. First, seeing the beating life had showered on her, then looking past that and seeing his little darlin’.
    Just enough of her mother in her to mark her as Maggie’s daughter. She had the high, proud cheek bones, full mouth and the beautiful tawny skin of a Lakota woman. That hair was all Maggie’s. The deep blue eyes that hid nothing and said volumes, those were Jack’s eyes. The long thin nose that was Jack’s too. Prosper saw his old friend in her, she was her father’s daughter for sure.
    But the sad barely holding it together for the greater good look, that was all Raine and a look he remembered seeing on her too often. When her mother was dying, when she was following that fool bastard of a father around for days hoping he would notice her. When he found her in that shit hole of a house sitting on the floor trying to untangle her baby sister’s hair when she was no more than a baby herself.
    He had never forgotten the look on her face when he and Pinky had taken Claire from the van and had tried to reason with an eight year old Raine. The sadness bleeding out of her. The anguish on her little face. That way she had of her drawing into herself, arms holding tight against her waist and eyes pulled away. It had broken his heart, watching her retreat into a place where he couldn’t find her. He hoped never to see it again. Seeing it now on her made him want to kill.
    And once all the facts were in, someone was definitely going to die for this. That was for sure. But for now, he was going to take care of the closet thing he would ever have to a daughter.

Chapter 17
    Diego couldn’t fucking believe it when she walked into the MC. Could Not Fucking Believe It. He had just spent the day drinking and sexing her off his mind. He had spent the better part of two days clearing that shit up with his club. He was even feeling it enough to put up with Ellie hanging all over him. Yeah, he was golden.
    Then the door opened and Raine walked through it.
    Last person he

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