Burning Barriers (Barriers Series Book 3)

Free Burning Barriers (Barriers Series Book 3) by Sara Shirley

Book: Burning Barriers (Barriers Series Book 3) by Sara Shirley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sara Shirley
Tags: Contemporary Romance
and I stripped it apart after I had my drinking under control and turned it into an exercise room instead. The old wooden bar is still down there, but only because it’s a piece of Dad. Instead of booze, it now holds water and energy drinks. No more hard liquor.
    “Jake? Are you all right?” Her concerned voice sounds again from the living room.
    With my hands gripping the kitchen counter, I look up at Lucy and realize I must have zoned out for a little too long. She walks over to the back door where Summit impatiently waits to come back inside. Lucy opens the door as Summit scurries inside and immediately lies in front of the fireplace on her bed.
    “I have some wine, but no hard stuff. Sorry,” I explain, suddenly feeling as though my past has to be laid out on the table as well.
    “Wine works for me,” Lucy says as she strips off her jacket before sitting on the ottoman again, pulling her bare feet under her body and sitting Indian style, but making sure her dress covers her legs. I grab the white wine bottle from the chiller under the kitchen island and a glass from the shelf before walking in her direction. Lucy’s eyes focus on the single glass in my hand. “You might want to consider grabbing another glass for yourself,” she suggests. “What I’m about to tell you is not going to be easy to hear.”

Warm blankets engulf me as the sound of tapping rain breaks me from my sleep. I stretch my legs and push myself further into the soft pillow-like mattress. I hear the faint sounds of pots and pans clanging together, and my eyes sluggishly open. I scan the room, only to realize I’m not in my bed at my parents’ house.
    The natural wooden beams that stretch across the cathedral ceiling float above me. My eyes follow the length all the way across to the stone fireplace that sits in the corner of the room along the wall-to-wall glass windows. Raindrops drip along the panes, never giving me a clear view of the outside to show me where I am.
    While pulling the blankets further up over my chin, I wonder how the hell I managed to get here. Oh God. I’m in Jake’s parents’ old bedroom. My mind quickly tries to recall the events that could have led me here.
    More clattering sounds from the partially open door on the other side of the room. How did I manage to get myself into this situation? Please, don’t tell me I slept with Jake last night. Wait. No, that’s not even possible. I would remember that as plain as day, unless my mind isn’t what it used to be, or even worse, Jake’s bedroom skills aren’t as good. I giggle softly to myself. That’s certainly not possible either. After kissing him the other day at my parents’ house, I know he’s still got the moves that can make my body melt and my mind never forget.
    All of a sudden, the bedroom door pushes open gently, and I hear the jingling of metal but can’t see anyone in the room. The clinking continues for a few seconds before a snort sounds from the end of the bed, and I’m curious as to what is in the room with me until a giant ball of fur jumps on top of my legs and settles onto the comforter. Summit .
    “Hi, girl, are you supposed to be up here?” I whisper just loud enough for her head to raise and cock to the side. Her big eyes give me a look that asks ‘why are you in my bed?’ I sit up slowly as I go to pet her head, and fortunately, I see that I’m wearing clothing, but definitely not my clothes. Oversized flannel pants cover my legs, along with a long-sleeved University of Colorado T-shirt.
    As I scratch Summit’s ears, I recollect some of last night’s events before I apparently landed myself in this bed. As Jake brought over the bottle of wine, I remember telling him that he really ought to consider sitting for what he was about to hear.
    Jake poured the wine for both of us, and as I very distastefully chugged back the entire first glass, he reached forward and handed me his still full glass. “Here,” he said. “From the

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