Hot Extraction
don’t want to take advantage of you. I’m…”
    Her lips don’t hurt and if Ryker’s do that just too damn bad because she cuts him off with a passionate kiss. She feels him stiffen suddenly, then relax, his arms coming around her back and head as he rolls to his back and pulls her into the kiss. And what a kiss! She doesn’t know if it’s because Ryker is that good of a kisser or she is just that turned on by his words, but she can feel herself becoming wet… until she hits the palm of her hand on his shoulder. “Shit!” she yelps, jerking back from the kiss, her hand throbbing.
    “What?” Ryker asks in surprise.
    “I hurt my fucking hand!” she says, grimacing and hissing through her teeth.
    “Oh…” Ryker says, relaxing. “You scared the shit out of me.”
    She sits up grimacing in pain, frustrated beyond words. “It’s a good thing we’re so beat up. Otherwise I would fuck you right where you are.”
    Gritting his teeth against the pain, Ryker sits up in the bed as well. “You can’t take advantage of the willing,” he says with a grin. “But are you sure about this? You went through a lot yesterday.”
    Ronnie looks Ryker straight in the eye. “No. But I’m doing it anyway.”

    After breakfast, a trip to the infirmary for more over the counter painkillers, and showers in their rooms, Ronnie and Ryker spend the rest of the day walking the embassy grounds, trying to work out the soreness. They don’t hold hands in deference to her palms, but anyone watching would instantly peg them as a couple from their body language.
    Ronnie snickers to herself as Ryker slowly eases himself into a chair. She may be scraped up, but he is moving like an old man. They are in one of the several public common rooms where staff and visitors can gather, preparing to have some popcorn and watch a movie: You’ve Got Mail, an old Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan chick flick. She's in the mood for some light comedy and Ryker, after rolling his eyes then grinning, agreed to her selection. She is feeling much better, both physically and emotionally.
    Spending the day with her knight in shining armor has done much to blunt the trauma of yesterday and Ryker’s instance that they keep moving has helped work out much of the soreness. All except for her knees and hands, that is.
    Ryker sighs as he settles into the chair. He knows that staying on the move is what he needs, but that doesn’t make walking, or sitting, or lying down, any less painful. Despite his discomfort, he has enjoyed his time with Ronnie today.
    Hopefully tomorrow he will be ready to go back into the field and try to find the bastards that have Dr. Baker and have killed so many. The severely-wounded Marine is still clinging to life and he is looking forward to extracting a pound of flesh for what they have done and bringing Ronnie’s father back to her.
    The goodnight kiss at Ronnie’s door holds much promise, but they part and go to their separate rooms. Both know that they are physically not up to a romp tonight, but her smile as she backs into her room makes Ryker feel hot and sweaty.
    The next morning they forego their workout, though both are feeling considerably better. After breakfast Ryker once again leaves, more determined than ever to find Ronnie’s father. The CIA spooks have been relentless in their search, but have turned up nothing useful. He doesn’t expect to be able to do better, and he is right. But having another pair of boots on the ground and another pair of eyes never hurts.
    By the time darkness begins to fall and Ryker returns to the embassy, most of the lingering soreness from his fall is gone. He still gets a twinge now and again if he moves wrong, but for the most part he is back to his old self. He hops in the shower to wash the city off of himself, looking forward to spending the evening with Ronnie. He can’t help but smile as he scrubs. He has

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