Hot Extraction
had a few women in his past, but none have affected him like Dr. Baker. He can’t put his finger on what it is about her that affects him so. Sure, she is gorgeous and, just as obviously, brilliant, but there is more to it than that. She has that undefinable something that makes two people just click. He enjoyed his time with his other partners, but felt no connection with them the way he does with Ronnie. He’s afraid to read too much into her flirting, but he hopes she feels it too.
    Ronnie is waiting for Ryker to return. It’s getting late but she doesn’t want to eat without him. Her hands and knees are much better today, so much so she pulled the bandage off her hand. It still looks like hell, but it has stopped oozing and is beginning to heal over. She is working the hand, testing it for soreness when she hears a knock. She smiles and moves to open the door.
    The moment Ronnie opens the door Ryker slowly bends to kiss her, giving her time to back away. She not only doesn’t pull back, she moves into him and their lips meet. It’s not a probing, slobbery, kiss—they are standing in a public hallway after all—but there is a want and meaning there. “You ready for dinner?” he asks as they break.
    She grins. “I could eat something.”
    “So could I,” he retorts with a grin.
    Ronnie’s smile widens further. “You may get a chance.” She can’t believe how bold she is around Ryker. She would have never said anything like that around Kenneth. Not only would he not find it funny, he might even frown on it. But Ryker seems to enjoy the wordplay, and she finds that she does as well.
    Ryker’s stomach gets a few butterflies. He’s not going to push her, but if Ronnie wants to have tumble tonight, he thinks he is finally up for it. “So… should I skip dessert?” he asks, trying to keep the verbal fencing going.
    Ronnie produces her best seductive smile. “No. Just plan on having it later.”
    Ryker suddenly finds himself at a loss for words.

    They enjoy a quiet dinner. It is past the main dinner rush and the kitchen is closed except for “serve yourself” items, like cold sandwiches and the salad bar. They sit at a table away from the only other one occupied and crunch their way through their salads while talking softly. They are both eating light, not wanting to feel stuffed as they both know that they are going to bed together tonight.
    After dinner, they go outside to enjoy the cool night air. Ronnie is confined to the compound for her safety, but there is still plenty of room to stroll. They wander among the buildings, talking little. Ryker can’t believe how nervous he is. He hasn’t been like this about a date since high school.
    He can’t figure out where the nervousness is coming from, only that he doesn’t want to say or do anything that might jeopardize this budding relationship. When he had discovered that she was in a relationship he had pretty much given up any hope of being with her. Yet here they walk, hand in hand, and she all but said that she is ending her relationship with Kenny, or Kenneth, or whatever the hell his name is. He just hopes the decisions she is making now she doesn’t regret later... or that he is a passing fancy, quickly forgotten once her father is returned to her and she returns to Berkeley.
    Ronnie walks with Ryker, enjoying his company. He seems a little reserved tonight, almost like he is nervous. She doesn’t know he can be nervous. He has stared death right in the face twice in a week and kneed him right in balls. But that calm, confident demeanor that he normally wears like a fitted suit is a little tattered tonight. “Ryker, tell me something honestly. Are you nervous?”
    “About what?” Ryker asks, a little unnerved at the question. Can she read him that well?
    “I don’t know. About us maybe?”
    “A little, I guess.”
    He pauses. The truth

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