Karac: Kaldar Warriors #1

Free Karac: Kaldar Warriors #1 by T.J. Yelden

Book: Karac: Kaldar Warriors #1 by T.J. Yelden Read Free Book Online
Authors: T.J. Yelden
slip the disc in the player.  He walked back to the couch and I let him get comfortable before snuggling down in his side.  We had perfected this about a month ago.  It was comfortable, cozy, and nice to be this close to someone and feel at home.  Safe. 
    As they pulled into the driveway of a farmstead, he had a surreal feeling as he looked around knowing that his mate grew up there.  He could almost picture her running up and down the driveway chasing the small four legged creatures – cats?  He thought that’s what the Earth word was – that disappeared into the barn as they drove by.  They parked the vehicles at the garage and stepped out.  The air was cleaner here than in the bigger cities where he had previously spent all his time.  But now that he knew he had a mate, he had every right to drop his other responsibilities until she was found.  They could do without a spokesperson for a little while. 
    Just as he made a complete circle of his surroundings, a door opened on the house.  Out stepped a middle aged man and woman who looked very nervous.  Criza, he should have thought how intimidating he and his fellow warriors would be to her parents.  The last thing he needed was making an enemy of Ashley’s parents.  Her father had black hair with a smattering of sliver throughout.  He was medium build, but not fit by a warrior’s standards.  Karac could define a slight muscle tone that the male probably needed to run the farm.  Karac slid his gaze to the female and assessed her.  She was shorter than the male, not nearly as tall as Ashley was said to be from her file.  She had dark brown hair, the same as Ashley’s, but Karac didn’t get any further than her stormy eyes.  He could tell she was worried, pissed, and nervous of them all at the same time.  Trying to make amends, he decided approaching them by himself might help. 
    “Warriors, stay back.”  Karac said under his breath, knowing that they would hear and obey.  He took a few steps towards the man and woman as law enforcer came up beside him.
    “Michael?”  The woman asked surprised.  “What are you doing here?” Karac’s gaze slid to the small Chief Deputy beside him. 
    “Hi Carol.  The Kaldarhns are required to have one human law enforcement agent along with them at all times.”
    “So,” the man beside Carol paused, giving Karac the once over.  “You are them.”  The man said with steel in his voice.  Karac had to admire that.  “What do you want?”
    “Your daughter.”  Karac was all about getting to the point. 
    “My daughter?” Carol gasped. 
    “Which one?”  The man’s voice was still steel but wavered slightly. 
    “The youngest.”  Karac stated.  The woman gasped again before rambling.
    “Do you know where she is?  Have you found her?  We haven’t seen her in almost 5 months.  Ever since your countdown ended.”  The woman looked at Karac like the end of the world was his fault.  Well, maybe in her eyes it was. 
    “You have no idea where she is?”  Michael asked, trying to pacify the humans by distracting their attention from Karac.
    “No, she told us she was going to stay with her sister, Anne, but we haven’t heard from her since she supposedly left.”  Carol said with sniffles still glaring at Karac.  He didn’t flinch, although inside he was groaning.  Having his future mate’s parents hate him right from the beginning was not something he needed on his plate right now. 
    “Where does this sister live?”  Karac asked.  He knew it would be asking too much for his mate to be easy to locate.  Karac already had a feeling that she wasn’t here.  But he had to check here for clues.  By asking where her sister lived, he could also test their honesty since his warriors had already been deployed to her house.  He needed to know if he could trust what they said.  To an extent, of course. 
    “San Francisco,

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