Sergei, Volume 2

Free Sergei, Volume 2 by Roxie Rivera

Book: Sergei, Volume 2 by Roxie Rivera Read Free Book Online
Authors: Roxie Rivera
Tags: romantic suspense
said, "Cute."
    "Very," he agreed and slid his arm around her back. Side by side, they walked to the elevator with the bellhop not far behind. If they had been alone in the elevator, he would have pushed her up against the gleaming gold wall and pressed his knee between her thighs while ravishing her mouth. Seeing the family that resembled theirs had done something primal to him. If she hadn't already been pregnant, he damned well would have wanted to change that.
    On edge and fueled with lust, he barely managed to hold onto his patience while the bellhop unloaded their bags. He shoved a handful of foreign notes at the man and thanked him before herding him out the door and locking it behind him. By the time he found Bianca in the bedroom, she had already stripped down to her bra and panties.
    "You know," she said slowly, her movements vixenish and enticing, "it occurred to me when I saw that family down in the lobby that this is probably the only vacation we'll ever take without kids."
    Awestruck by the delicious sight before him, Sergei stood perfectly still and watched her reach back to unsnap her bra. When her luscious breasts were bared to him, he raked his teeth against his lower lip. After quickly toeing off his shoes, he crossed the distance between them in five quick strides and swept her up into his arms. He deposited her onto the middle of the fancy hotel bed and crawled over her.
    In between kisses that left her breathless and giggling, he said, "Then we had better make the most of it…"

Chapter Five
    My stomach did wild flips as I tried to pay attention to the movie. I couldn’t tell if it was morning sickness or nervousness. It was probably both. The jet lag had worsened my pregnancy fatigue and made me more queasy than usual. So far, I'd managed to keep our secret, but I had a feeling the truth was going to be out before the end of this trip. One whiff of stinky perfume or cologne at the wrong time, and all of our friends would piece together the clues when I went running from the room.
    Hugging a throw pillow, Vivian sat next to me on the couch in the hotel suite while we waited for Sergei to return from the airport with his brother and mother. She had said that she wanted to be here for moral support and to help with any translation issues that might arise if Sergei and Vladimir wanted to talk alone and leave me with his mother, but I sensed she really just didn't want to be the third wheel at Yuri and Lena's place. Not that they ever would have made her feel that way, but it couldn't have been easy for her.
    Nikolai still hadn't made it to London. Even Sergei didn't know the details of what was keeping him in Houston. Whatever it was, it must have been serious or dangerous or dangerously serious. I hadn't had the heart to ask Vivian if her husband would be here in time for her Friday night show. I hoped so. For her sake and his.
    "Do you want to grab lunch tomorrow? I was thinking of visiting some shops and seeing some of the fashion hotspots while Sergei does some things with his family."
    She shook her head and picked at the fringe on the throw pillow. "I would love to go, but I've already promised Niels that I'd let him take me to some art galleries and a late lunch."
    "Oh." I wondered if that was such a good idea. Vivian was obviously feeling vulnerable and hurt right now, and Niels? Well, the obscenely rich Dane who had taken it upon himself to open doors into the international art scene for her had made it plainly clear to anyone with eyes that he wasn't just interested in her paintings. She played it off as nothing, and I'm sure to her it was. She loved Nikolai and probably couldn't fathom ever entertaining the affection of another man, but Niels? He had a certain reputation, and it made me nervous to think my emotionally wounded friend would be alone with him for any amount of time.
    "Why don't we do something on Thursday?" she suggested. "Maybe we could see if Lena and Erin want to come?"

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