Among the Living
as soon as they’re posted.”
    I curse quietly. I didn’t even think to check the video sites.
    “I checked some blogs, but they’re being obtuse, covering up words with other words like they’re scared of being shut down,” I think out loud.
    “Wait a minute, what are you guys even talking about? You make it sound like there’s some big conspiracy.” Erin has a determined look on her face like she is pandering to us. I can’t blame her; this is crazy talk.
    “We already live in a world where people are used to ignoring stuff. Well, except for what the media tells them, and as a new paper, we know this better than most. ‘Don’t question, just live in fear.’” Leonard recites one of his favorite mantras. “Well, what if something bad is happening and it’s being covered up?”
    “Absurd!” Erin says loudly.
    “There’s something going on, I don’t know what it is, but we have a responsibility to find out and report on it, and that is what I intend to do.” And with that, Leonard turns his attention to his computer and starts typing again.
    We leave his office and return to our desks. My mind keeps returning to what Leonard said. Erin also seems distracted. She keeps sighing and ‘hmphing’ every once in a while as she stares at her computer screen.
    I still don’t know what to do about Rita, so I sit down and try to focus on work.

Interlude: Shylah Rae
    Shylah Rae Parker stands in the sweltering heat of another humid day in Seattle and tries to be patient. Just as she approaches the street crossing, the light changes and she is forced to wait. Cars zip by on Westlake Avenue. She ignores the old ones and glances at the shiny ones. She has her shades slung low, purse held high and a look that grants nothing but disdain to those around her.
    A couple stroll up alongside her. The man is dressed in some crap you might see at Walmart. She stares straight ahead, but she knows he is letting his eyes rove up and down her body, hoping his wife doesn’t catch him in the act.
    She doesn’t have time for this! She needs to get in quick, pick up her dress at the new Cambria Boutique store and then get her butt home so she can go out tonight.
    The dress is a slinky little thing with spaghetti straps and a bustline that plunges about three inches below the start of her cleavage. She also plans to stop at Victoria’s Secret and pick up a new water bra. Sure, George says she doesn’t need it, that she has the perfect-sized tits, but that’s because he has to, especially if he wants to keep seeing them on a regular basis.
    The light changes, and she steps into the road then has to jump back as a car belts past her, clearly running a red light. Asshole! She glares at the car, but the driver doesn’t even look at her in the rearview mirror.
    Then the way is clear, and she is safely within the cool vestibule of the mall. People stream past her on their way to the food court on the third floor, the game stores below, and of course the sinful chocolate heaven known as Godiva. Not that she will stop there today; her butt doesn’t need any of that stuff. Again, not that George complains.
    The smell from the food court one floor above is almost overwhelming. She has barely eaten today in preparation for going out tonight. A Power Bar for breakfast and a small salad for lunch. When they brought the salad, she almost started drooling at the sight of the bread they brought her friend Anne.
    Anne had been married for a few years and ate whatever the hell she wanted to. Lucky bitch, but she would never be able to pull of the LBD Shylah is going out in tonight.
    She takes the elevator to the second floor, hip popped out as it ascends. She avoids the glances of the men on the descending elevator on the other side, their eyes trying too hard not to stare at her cleavage. She puts on an air of diffidence, untouched by their stares. She loves the attention but won’t recognize it.
    At last she strolls into

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