Seduced By A Wolf

Free Seduced By A Wolf by Zena Wynn

Book: Seduced By A Wolf by Zena Wynn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Zena Wynn
shock when Derrick slammed his fist into the side of Von’s face and she crumpled to the floor, unconscious.
    With an infuriated roar, he was on Derrick. Sean grabbed him by the throat and threw him across the room. Then followed to finish him.

Chapter Six

    Pain exploded in Von’s head, wrenching her out of the sensual fog she’d been in. Like a sleepwalker awakened abruptly, around the ringing in her head she tried to figure out what happened. Her vision was hazy. Her face throbbed, making her head hurt. Her thighs were sticky and wet and her sex was tender and pulsing in unfulfilled desire, a condition she’d experienced frequently enough with Derrick. Had they been making out again and been interrupted? But that wouldn’t explain her head and face, or why she was on the floor.
    A roar and a crash caught her attention. Sean and Derrick were trying to kill each other, though Sean clearly had the advantage. She brought her hand to the side of her face that hurt the most, and her touch, light as it was, sent a sharp pain through her body. The shock of it caused a partial memory to surface.
    Derrick hit her! But why?
    Oh my God! She’d had sex with Sean and Derrick had walked in on them, catching them in the act. How could she do such a thing? Despites all her efforts, she’d turned out to be like her mother after all. Why else would she have been so obsessed with having sex to the point where it didn’t matter who it was with as long as she got some?
    Derrick is right. I am a whore .
    Von wanted to vomit. Shame rode her hard and all she could think to do was run home and hide. She scrambled to her feet, swaying before she managed to balance herself by grabbing hold of the chair. Forgetting she had on three-inch heels, she stumbled and nearly fell when she tried to walk. The shoes were proof of her harlotry. Who but a prostitute had sex with their shoes on?
    She weaved her way to the door and almost tripped over her purse. Bending over to pick it up off the floor almost did her in and she braced herself against the wall until the room stopped spinning and the black spots faded from before her eyes. When she could straighten, she took the last few steps necessary, undid the locks and opened the door.
    A pizza deliveryman standing in the doorway with his fist raised to knock on the wood startled her, but she pushed past him.
    “Hey, are you all right? Should I call rescue, the police?” he asked, looking down her body then past her into the apartment where sounds of fighting could clearly be heard.
    Von waved his concern away and concentrated on making it to her car. As she stepped off the small porch, her knees weakened and she grabbed hold of the railing. She could do this. There was only this short sidewalk before she reached the curb. Her car was parked almost in front of Derrick’s apartment in his next door neighbor’s extra spot. Twenty steps at the most.
    She wobbled down the sidewalk.
    “Whoa! Here, let me help.” The guy grabbed her elbow with his free hand. “Are you sure you don’t need me to call anyone? We’re not supposed to get involved with domestic disputes but...”
    “I’m fine,” she assured him. “My car is right here.”
    “Miss, I really don’t think you should be driving,” he said as she fumbled with the latch, trying to get the door open. “Door’s locked. That’s why you can’t open it. You have keys?”
    Von handed him her purse and leaned against the car. She felt so weak.
    He opened the door and helped her get behind the wheel, then placed her purse in her lap. “Please, miss, let me call 911 for you.”
    “No need. I’ll be fine as soon as I lay down. Tired. Not far.”
    When he saw she was insistent on leaving, he reached in and put the keys in the ignition, and cranked the engine. “Be careful.” Before shutting her door, he asked, “You think those guys still want their pizza?”
    “Never mind. You head on home.”
    Driving was difficult and if

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