What A Gentleman Wants

Free What A Gentleman Wants by Caroline Linden

Book: What A Gentleman Wants by Caroline Linden Read Free Book Online
Authors: Caroline Linden
Tags: Romance, Historical, Regency
completely absolved in the end, he saw no point in bringing it up. Besides, he knew David, and knew that the worse the trouble was, the less likely his brother was to tell the truth about it If he asked, David would deny it, and Marcus would still have to prove it to himself.
    He rose and went to pour a drink. First he must deal with this Preston woman. She appeared to be a common country maid; a large enough settlement, and she would leave. The notice in the
would attract some attention, but if no bride could be found and Marcus accused the paper of mistaking the matter, the gossip would blow over quickly.
    He hoped.

Chapter Five
    Hannah had intended to leave on her own, and Walters hadn’t said that the plain carriage that came wasn’t the one she had asked him to get. Only when the door was shut did she realize that it was far too luxurious to be a hired vehicle. She rapped on the driver’s door, but got no response. Her worst fears were confirmed when the carriage halted in front of a monstrous mansion and a liveried footman let down the steps. With no other choice, Hannah took Molly’s hand and let the servant march them inside, simmering with anger.
    It was the largest building she had ever seen. The ceiling soared three floors above, its frescoed surface as distant and as beautiful as heaven. The floor was a milky veined stone Hannah decided must be marble, and it went on forever. The servant left them standing there alone, and Hannah hated the owner of this beautiful home more than ever. She would never have left a guest standing by the door, let alone kidnap someone and force them to call on her.
    “Mama?” Molly’s whisper echoed around the hall. “Where are we?” Her eyes were wide and round, and
    Missy was clutched close to her chest Hannah squeezed her hand.
    “We have to say good-bye to someone,” she said quietly, wondering if the abominable duke were listening somewhere. Even their whispers sounded like shouts in the tomb-like quiet. “We’ll be leaving soon.”
    “Is David here?” Molly hadn’t understood Hannah’s explanation that David wouldn’t be coming back, yet wasn’t dead. Hannah hoped she never saw David Reece again.
    “No, he isn’t,” Hannah began, but the sound of footsteps interrupted her. She straightened, expecting the servant again, and looked into the disdainful eyes of the duke.
    “Good God, don’t tell me that’s David’s bastard,” he said in greeting, looking down his nose at Molly. Hannah’s chest swelled with maternal outrage, and she placed her hands over her daughter’s ears for fear of teaching Molly a very bad word in the next few minutes.
    “I demand that my trunks be unloaded this instant,” she said through gritted teeth. “I am not some object to be brought here and there at some whim of yours. You will apologize to my daughter, and you will call a carriage for us, or I will not apologize for the consequences.” His dark stare didn’t waver.
    “Don’t make threats you can’t back up, girl,” he said softly. “I might call your bluff.”
    “Oh, please do,” said Hannah with absolute sincerity. Something flickered in his eyes, and he looked away first
    “Two hundred pounds,” he said, holding out a paper. “Complete silence, and your permanent absence.”
    Hannah refused to look at the paper. “My trunks, please.” She had enough money to pay for the trip home, and was angry enough to refuse every last pence he offered.
    The paper didn’t retreat. Take it now,“ he said in a silky voice, ”for you’ll never see it again.“
    “I shall hope the same applies to you.” Hannah turned, taking Molly by the hand. “Come, Molly, let’s fetch our trunks and get our own carriage.”
    There was a loud banging on the door then, and another servant glided forward to open it in front of Hannah. A lovely young woman burst in, and headed straight for the duke.
    “Oh, Marcus!” she cried, flinging herself at him in a froth of

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