Once Written, Twice Shy (The Broken Men Chronicles)

Free Once Written, Twice Shy (The Broken Men Chronicles) by Carey Decevito

Book: Once Written, Twice Shy (The Broken Men Chronicles) by Carey Decevito Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carey Decevito
more like over-indulged.  I’m a little
sore because someone used me well last night.”
    “I think I can finagle a cure that might help with
that,” I said, “for later.”
    It was a sweltering day out again and even though
we didn’t feel up for an outing, I recommended the beach.  Based on the make out
session we had over trying to put breakfast together, and again when we
attempted to do the dishes, it was a safer bet to spend some time outside—in
public—where we couldn’t jump each other like animals.
    I ogled her as she removed her sundress and
revealed her curves in the purple bikini she wore underneath.  The thing didn’t
leave much to the imagination but enough that I wanted to kiss, caress, and
tantalize the silken golden skin that lay beneath.  What was up with me?  It
was as if I was some sex-crazed teenager all over again.
    I groaned.  “I’m starting to think that maybe the
beach wasn’t the smartest of ideas.”
    Her dress hit my face as she laughed.  “Are you
done pervin’?”
    I caught the garment before it fell to the sand
and let it drop onto the blanket we had spread.
    “I’m just getting started,” I said.  “A man’s got
to look when there’s a gorgeous woman standing right in front of him.”  I took my
sunglasses off, slipped my t-shirt over my head, popped my shades back on and
pulled the rest of the shirt off of my arms.  “And you’re better?” I asked and
took the few steps to stop in front of her with her appraising gaze.
    Her cheeks pinked.  “You know you like it.”
    She shoved me back playfully before walking off
toward the water; the sway of her hips accentuated to tease me.  Damn!
    I ran toward her, picking her up like a sack of
potatoes and threw her over my shoulder.  Her shriek of surprise had me
    I smacked her butt.
    “That’ll teach you to walk away from me,” I said.
    “Put me down, Pax.”  She pounded my behind and
when I didn’t relent, she pinched my cheeks, making me trip and both of us fell
into the knee-high water.
    I surfaced first and didn’t see her in the water
beside me.  She jumped on my back and wrapped her legs around my waist.  I started
to drop but recovered in time.  We giggled as I walked us into deeper waters.
    I shook her off making her topple backwards.  She
was still chuckling when she surfaced.  I stopped laughing, captivated by the
water beading off of her like jewels sparkling under the sun.
    Next thing I knew, she ducked under the water,
grabbed onto my hips, brushing her body up against the front of me as she resurfaced. 
Her face stopped mere inches from mine, filled with unbridled satisfaction.
    “You little minx,” I said.  I was hard again—hell,
I don’t I had even fallen out of my state of arousal since waking.
    She grinned.  “Me?”  Her hip nudged my pelvis.
    “I think you know exactly what you just did.  That
innocent façade of yours can’t fool me one bit.”
    “And I think you need to cool off,” she said and
jumped up to dunk me.
    We played like that for a while.  As simple and
childish as it was, it had been the most fun I’d had with a woman in years.  The
entire visit had been like that so far.  It baffled me that something so simple
made me happy and the look of enjoyment on her face made it all the better.
    Alissa was doing the starfish, floating on her
back when I crept between her legs.  She jumped and her head nearly sunk
underwater as I grabbed hold of her thighs, securing her legs around my waist. 
I grabbed her arms and pulled her up so she could wrap them around my neck.  My
hands held and squeezed her butt.
    “You’re beautiful,” I said, “and even more now
with that blush of yours.”
    “You’re not so bad yourself, you know.”  She
laughed and let her forehead fall onto my shoulder as I rubbed her core through
her bottoms.  What?  I couldn’t help myself.
    “Mmm...”  She squirmed.  “Not here?”  She

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