The MORE Trilogy

Free The MORE Trilogy by T.M. Franklin

Book: The MORE Trilogy by T.M. Franklin Read Free Book Online
Authors: T.M. Franklin
hope that Caleb might give something away.
    “I was attacked last night,” she said, watching him closely. His eyes flickered to the left briefly before returning to her face. Was that a sign?
    “Attacked?” Caleb repeated, his mouth dropping open in shock as he stood up, towering over her on the steps. He jumped down to her, reaching out to touch her shoulder, then pulling back abruptly. “Are you all right? Were you hurt?”
    “I’m fine,” Ava said stiffly, eyes intent on his. “Someone came along and scared the guy off.”
    Caleb ran a hand through his mop of hair, looking into the distance. “Well, that’s good. That’s . . . good.”
    Ava said nothing, the silence looming between them. He swallowed deeply. “I’m glad you’re okay,” he said. “You went to the police, right?”
    She ignored his question. “Was it you?”
    Caleb blinked. “What?”
    “Was it you?” she repeated, emphasizing each word carefully.
    “Was what me?”
    “Caleb,” she said firmly. “Last night. Was it you? I’m not going to freak out about you following me, you know. I just want to know what happened.”
    “Following you? Ava, what are you talking about?” he asked, rubbing his eye underneath his glasses. “I was home studying all night last night.”
    “Yes. I do that occasionally,” he said with a grin. Was it Ava’s imagination, or did it seem a little forced?
    At that moment, a crowd piled out of the library, and Caleb climbed the steps to gather his books, only to drop them again when someone bumped him from behind. He shoved his glasses up on his nose and picked up his scattered papers, losing his balance and falling to a knee. He winced, cursing slightly and rubbing his knee awkwardly. With a sigh, Ava bent down to grab a few pages before the wind blew them away. She handed them to Caleb, who smiled his thanks before tucking them into his backpack.
    Suddenly, her suspicions seemed ridiculous. Caleb was a nice guy, but he was hardly the hero type. Caleb was . . . well, Caleb . She shook her head, flushing in embarrassment as she held out a hand to help him up. He stumbled slightly on the steps and gripped her hand to keep from falling again, almost taking her down with him.
    “Sorry,” he muttered, stuffing the rest of his books in his pack with an embarrassed shrug.
    “No. I’m sorry,” she said with a sigh. “I didn’t mean to come after you like that. I guess I was a little more shaken up than I thought.”
    “It’s okay,” he said, his brow still creased with concern. “I’m just glad you’re all right. I would have helped, you know, if I’d been there.” He swung his backpack onto his shoulder.
    “I know. Thanks.”
    “Come on,” he said, waving toward the science building. “You’re late for class, and I need to get some paperwork done for Professor Andrews.”
    Ava nodded, falling into step beside Caleb. She felt stupid, to be honest. Caleb was obviously a lot smaller than the guy who’d helped her the night before. The poor guy was so skinny she doubted he’d be able to carry her for a few seconds, let alone all the way back to her dorm.
    “So, have you talked to the police?” he asked, holding the door open for her.
    “Not yet,” she replied. “I’m going to head over to the station after class.”
    “If you need someone to go with you,” he offered.
    “No, no it’s fine,” she said, shaking her head.
    “I really don’t mind.”
    “It’s okay,” Ava said, embarrassed about involving Caleb in all of this as much as she had. “I’m just going to go give a statement. It’s no big deal.”
    Caleb stopped in front of Professor Andrews’ office. “Well, if you change your mind, you know where to find me,” he said with a smile, tilting his head toward the door.
    “Thanks, Caleb. Really,” Ava said, heading toward the stairs. “I appreciate it. I’ll see you tonight at the library, okay?”
    “Seven o’clock?”
    “I’ll be

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