Jacks, Marcy - The Alpha Wolf Kidnaps a Mate [DeWitt's Pack 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

Free Jacks, Marcy - The Alpha Wolf Kidnaps a Mate [DeWitt's Pack 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) by Marcy Jacks

Book: Jacks, Marcy - The Alpha Wolf Kidnaps a Mate [DeWitt's Pack 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) by Marcy Jacks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marcy Jacks
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knees, losing no more time at all. His hands were strong and quick as they worked on the leather belt around his waist. Corey didn’t expect the thing to survive the process, but somehow, James got it off him and his jeans and underwear down without ruining either bit of clothing.
    Corey moaned as his cock was engulfed by that amazing mouth.  His put his hands on James’s shoulders for balance and began

    The Alpha Wolf Kidnaps a Mate                    71

    thrusting in quick succession.
    The time for making love could come later. Right now he  desperately needed to get off.
    James was so into it, doing such a good job of swirling his tongue  around Corey’s shaft, pulling his head back up while keeping only the  crown of Corey’s dick in his mouth, hardening his tongue and playing  with his slit.
    Christ Almighty. Was James just this good, or was Corey enjoying it more because they were mates?
    Vibrations coming from James’s muffled laughter, while his mouth was still firmly at work, sent a jolt of lightning pleasure through Corey’s body, and made him look down.
    “Don’t get too full of yourself down there.”
    Too late,   was the mental reply.
    Corey didn’t get the chance for anymore sarcastic jibes before  James pulled his mouth away and cold air enveloped his cock. He yelped, but then he was grabbed and pulled down into the moss and leaves. James positioned him onto his hands and knees, and with a tight grip on his hips, began thrusting and humping his still-clothed dick against Corey’s bare ass.
    “Feel that?” James  asked, his warm breath in Corey’s ear, and his voice the most feral Corey had ever heard it.
    “Yeah,” Corey moaned, pressing back against the bulge rubbing against him, wanting it inside him.
    “I’m going to fuck you with that.”
    He couldn’t take it anymore. Corey would go insane if James didn’t do it already! “Fuck me!”
    He heard the metal tinkling of James’s belt being loosened, heard the zip of his fly as he yanked it down, and the rustle of clothing as he adjusted his pants and let out his cock.
    “Say please,” James said.
    Corey looked over his shoulder, sure the other man would see the

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    desperation on his face. “Please! Please fuck me, right now!”
    James spat in his hand, and Corey felt the intrusion of a large  finger in his hole. He was still loose from last night’s activities, and  his body accepted the digit easily.
    James must have noticed this as well, because next he positioned  his cockhead at Corey’s waiting hole.
    He tried to push back against it, to hurry along the process, but  James kept his grip tight on  Corey’s hips, preventing him from  moving.
    “What are you―?”
    “Say you’re mine.”
    If Corey thought James’s voice sounded rough before, right now it  was damn near animal.
    Considering what he was, what they both were, it was likely just
    “I’m yours,” Corey said quickly. “I’m yours, yours and no one
    He meant his words, too. Being with James made him feel complete, and he would be with James, belong to him, and have the other man belong to Corey in return if it meant they could stay this way forever.
    “Exactly what I wanted to hear.” James growled, pushing the whole length of his cock into Corey’s asshole.
    Corey grunted as his inner muscles were forced to take on the length of James’s shaft so quickly, but then he fell into his pleasure as that sweet spot inside him was touched and rubbed again and again. He moaned and pushed back against James’s frantically moving hips, their bodies punching and slamming together in a harsh, near race to the finish.
    “You’re. So. Fucking. Gorgeous,” James said, each word  punctuated by another hard thrust of his pelvis.
    Corey tried to say something back, but he couldn’t get anything  out over the keening and wailing that took

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