heightened his
awareness. Gave him something to focus on besides his pack; he new
he could trust each and everyone of them to back him up and he's be
there for them! An inner strength seems to be seeping from his
body. The scent of him caused her insides to quiver slightly."
    When Pend and Kelly left they took Rains
silver Ford truck. Parked out side was Pend dark blue Ford truck.
The other men and women in turn loaded the remaining four
    "Why did Pend take your truck and leave
    "You said that you used cash for everything
and then you stayed in your vehicle instead of using motels and
hotels. We are reasonably sure you had to have been scented for
someone to find you so quickly. Even you thought you must have been
scented. So we are going to make sure your scent gets lost or mixed
into with others so it can't be found so easy."
    "Where did Pend and Kelly take your truck if
not back to your house Amethyst asked?
    "They went to Spring Water; they took your
jeans, and are going to leave a trail there in town. Then come back
the long way. They should get back around midnight or so."
    "If any one is scenting us it will throw them
off for a time. Pend's truck parked next to the porch, and I am
carrying you out of here, and placing you into the truck, and
taking you home to my house. So get your things, and let's go."
Rain drove different roads in different directions in hopes to make
tracking more difficult.
    Amethyst set next to Rain and he had his arm
around her shoulders. The ride back to the alpha house was
accomplished in no time. Rain crossed graveled roads and slipped up
a cow path at one point and back onto another gravel road. She was
actually enjoying the ride and loved how Rain gave her shoulder a
squeeze every once in a while. Both seem to be lost in the pleasure
of the ride and didn't speak. Amethyst realized how much her life
had changed over so short a time. There was no turning back, she
had to face what came next in her life, and she didn't have to do
it alone. The thought gave her a lot of comfort. Her father crossed
her mind and new he would be happy for her. It was all he ever said
he wanted for her out of life. With the thought of her father her
mother came with him. She knew her mother was happy for her, but
missed her deeply. She would be so proud of her right now. It gave
her comfort deep inside to know both her parents loved her so much
when they were alive.

Chapter 4
    Driving up the drive away towards Rains home
she was shocked to see it. The house was huge. It was painted white
on the out side with medium green colored window frames. It had
several large windows in the front of the house. The yard was at
least five acres mowed. With tall jack pines here and there, a
coupe of apple trees were planted in the front yard. Several cherry
trees had been planted off to the right of the house. Flowers were
planted under the windows. She could see the front door was a jar.
Amethyst voiced her concern to Rain when he came around to her side
of the truck. "Rain the front door is open."
    "Welcome to our home sweet heart, he slide
across the seat and kissed her warmly on the lips Stay in the truck
until I come around the other side. Slipping out of the truck he
walked around opened her door, put his arms under her. I ask Mike
to leave the door slightly open so as not to have any of your scent
on it. She picked up the briefcase; laptop and he carried her to
the house. He pushed open the door with his foot, kicked it shut
behind him, turned and locked it. Walked in setting her feet down
on the floor once he reached the stair case. Kissing her gently on
the lips he said come sweetness and I will show you our rooms. You
can see the rest of the house tomorrow."
    Up stairs and to the left he led her down the
hall passing doors as they went. When they reached the end of the
hall Rain opened a door that led into a medium size room. A small
wooden oak desk set in one corner and a couple of chairs and

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