top over her head leaving her breast bare to his eyes. Slipping
his arms under her he picked her up and carried her to the bed.
    "Amethyst you are so beautiful, you make my
blood run hot, and everywhere you touch leaves me burning for you.
Your skin is soft as goose down and creamy white. I want you so
    He laid Amethyst on the bed after pulling
down the sheet and kissed her lips until she, "whimpered with
delight. A purring sound sounded from her throat" Rain smiled.
"This should be one hell of a turn on to make love to such an
enticing minks; she could be herself completely." Rain was looking
forward to her letting go of the control, she had over herself.
    Amethyst ran her hand up, and down Rains back
moving them in small circles. Then moved her hands around to his
chest pulled the snaps to his shirt open, and ran her fingers
through the chest hair, and smiled. Rain was full and hard and
strong. He lay back giving her access to him. She slid up kissing
his lips, then his ears, and neck, running her tongue over his
nipples. She pulled at his shirt and he removed it then removed his
jeans and boxer shorts. Slowly she moved down towards his shaft
lick here and there with her tongue. Her tongue was ruff and it
made him moan then growl. She heard Rain moan and felt his body
shiver with delight. Growling out her desire, her tongue moved down
one leg then the other. Turning Rain over she ran her tongue up one
leg and then up the other. When she reached his butt she nipped him
on each cheek. Smiled when Rain moaned deep and then turned into a
growl. Slowly she moved up his back, began to kiss his neck and
then placed her tongue in one ear then the other.
    Rain could stand no more of the exquisite
torture. He flipped himself over and looked at Amethyst leaning
over him. Rain looked into Amethyst eyes they were black as the
pits of hell, glazed over with desire and all sultry looking.
Pushing Amethyst down so that she lay before him, he moved down her
body. Running his tongue over each of her toes then made circles on
each leg as he worked his way up to the apex of her legs.
    Ripping her panties from Amethyst quickly, he
smiled. Rain buried his face in her black curls, and then stuck his
tongue between the folds. Amethyst cried out in pleasure. She
lifted herself to him wanting more. Rain welcomed her with his
mouth, and then slowly she opened her legs to him. Licking her with
his tongue until she was wet, and hungry, Rain moved up, and over
her slowly while kissing her lips, then he sucked on the bottom
lip. Moving his lips to her ear he spoke in a whisper. "Take the
blood binding ritual with me Amethyst, be my mate in body, heart,
mind, and soul?"
    Amethyst eyes flew open and she stared into
deep blue eyes that were glowing. She was speechless. As she looked
at Rain his face began to change to a frown and then his eyes no
longer glowed. She wanted to see him smile again she wanted to see
his eyes glowing at her with love. And she whispered, "Oh yes Rain
I will do the blood binding ritual with you and be yours for ever.
The smile returned, and his lips began to possess her lips then her
    Rain moved towards the small night table on
his side of the bed. Reached in took out a small leather pouch.
Opened it up, and took out a very old knife that was extremely
sharp. It had a design on it of to hands, held together with a
leather strip. Rain cut his wrist at an angle, and then hers. He
placed them together so the two cuts matched perfectly and they
each took an end of the leather strip, and tied their wrists
    "As our blood flows together we are one,
purity, love, respect, and honor are yours. I love you I am yours
now and always Amethyst."
    Amethyst looked into Rains eyes and spoke
softly, "As our blood flows together we are one, purity, love,
respect and obedience. I love you I am yours now and always
    Rained kissed Amethyst on the lips placed her
on the bed. Rain pulled Amethyst legs up, and bent them at

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