brown leather chair with an ottoman set in a corner with a reading
lamp. A CD player set on the floor with a dozen CD's sitting on top
of one of the speakers. A small TV set on a small TV stand in
another corner with DVD's sitting next to the TV on the stand. The
walls were cream-colored with golden trim at the top. A large
picture of a black wolf standing next to a jack pine was on one
wall. She thought, `the picture was beautiful."
    At that moment Rain smiled, "If you want to
change this room around feel free. You want to add a small couch or
another chair or small tables the house is yours to do with as you
please. Rearrange furniture to your hearts content.
    Amethyst smiled at Rain, "why the room is so
you?" Then she laughed and so did Rain.
    "I never got around to doing much with this
room, it is just sort of here. I thought of adding a small book
shelf for my personal collection but that was all I gave thought to
as far as this room is concerned.
    Following Rain through a door way. The bed
was a king size bed with oak frame, head-board had carved flower
designs on it. At the foot of the bed was a hope chest made of oak.
Several matching dressers lined the walls and a large oval rug on
the floor. "Rain it is beautiful!"
    "I am glad you like it," as he raised and
lowered his eye brows several times then smiling
    The next room was the bathroom, which had a
shower inside a tub that had feet on it. She realized that two
would fit into the tub at the same time and looked forward to
sharing it with Rain.
    The smile on Amethyst face, "Rain knew she
was pleased with their rooms. He hoped she would be equally pleased
with the rest of the house. "Tomorrow after I show you the rest of
the house I will let you in on our plans on how to deal with these
men. I assure you they won't bother you again. Also tomorrow I will
get on the internet and have you registered with our pack and that
you're now my mate Mrs. Rain Walker with the Lycan Registry. I will
need your full name Amethyst."
    "There is simple answer to that question it
is; Amethyst Shimmer Richardson Walker." She smiled up into this
face. Her eyes were glowing with happiness, her smile reached his
    "Tell me did you belong to a pack in
Wyoming," Rain asked? "They will also need to be contacted."
    "No my father kept me pretty well hidden from
the world. He did not want me mixed up with humans. It was
important way to protect me since I can multi-shape shift.
    He was concerned I would not be accepted by a
wolf pack. It was a lonely life, I was spoiled rotten and it helped
to make up for it. Once I got older my father explained things in
great detail, how I might affect a pack, not be accepted. Some
would fear me others might be jealous; still others might see me as
a freak of nature. He also said that I might be killed. So I
accepted my fate, and never got close to any one. I told you about
getting close to someone once; well when he found out what I was,
he said I was a freak of nature, and that the sight of me made him
sick. He was a wolf from a pack close by. I never saw him again.
After that I never told anyone what I was or capable of."
    Amethyst move towards the window and looked
out and saw a jack pine tree. It limbs could not touch the house
but it did rise above the second floor window, and past the roof.
It made her smile. Rain stepped up behind her, and pulled her back
against his chest. "You are breath-taking standing here, but come
away from the window sweetness!
    Turning in Rains arms, and away from his
chest she looked up into his blue eyes, and her heart began to
flutter then beat so hard she thought he could hear it. Placing her
arms around his neck she pulled him down until her lips met his.
She opened her mouth letting his tongue slide in. His tongue teased
and caressed the in side of her mouth. Until she was breathless
then slowly began to undo her skirt and it fall to the floor.
Moving his hands up inside her top he undid her bra and then lifted

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