Angelfall: Parts 1 to 5

Free Angelfall: Parts 1 to 5 by Conrad Powell

Book: Angelfall: Parts 1 to 5 by Conrad Powell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Conrad Powell
was himself; his true self. His spirit uttered groans that only the Almighty understood. Victor was still in his prison cell, but his heart was free. It was free to leap and soar up and above the clouds, past the terrestrial place called earth and far into heaven.
    “Come let’s get out of here,” said Lorenz who looked at his friend who knelt on the prison cell floor. Victor’s countenance had changed although he still looked like a vampire.
    “Yes. I am ready,” said Victor.
    “All right, Victor Saul. No. Victor Paul. Yes. That is much better,” said Lorenz.
    Lorenz lifted up his hands high above him and a terrible earthquake tremor shook the prison cell. Within seconds, the cell chamber cracked and the prison door broke open. Johnson did not stir and neither did Cyril.
    Lorenz braced Victor in his wings and flew out of the cell far away from the mountain dungeon prison. 
5.4 Part 4 – Light at Dawn:
    Light at Dawn:
    Part 4 of Angelfall
    (Twilight at Dawn Saga, Book 1).
    By Conrad Powell.
    Copyright 2011 Conrad Powell.
    Moments After Mayor  Trudeau and the Vigilante Mob bludgeoned Victor…
    “Adonari, Adonari,” said a voice. Victor recognized the voice. He was awake and conscious as he stood at the doorway of Dr. Colan’s Operating Room at the Medical Complex.
    He and his trauma team, dressed in full regalia, tried to revive Victor’s body that lay like a slab of cold steak on the operating table.
    “Prepare 15cc’s of epinephrine Ms. Smith, stat,” said Dr. Colan.
    “15cc’s?” said Dr. James.
    “Colan, are you trying to kill him?”
    Nurse Smith handed Dr. Colan the needle.
    “James. For God’s sake. He is a vampire not a human. That may not be enough. I’m not aware. Apparently I must have missed the Vampirology elective at Howard University Med. I’m glad you went. So tell me how much cc is enough?” said Dr. Colan.
    Dr. James was silent.
    “Thought so,” said Dr. Colan as he injected the needle in Victor’s leg.
    Dr. Colan began chest compressions on Victor.
    “Prepare the defib,” said Dr. Colan to Nurse Smith. She complied handing the defibrillator nodes to Dr. Colan.
    Dr. Colan rubbed the nodes together and placed them on Victor’s lifeless body.
    “Clear,” said Dr. Colan.
    From the door, Victor watched his body jolt in the air and flop back on the operating gurney.
    “No movement,” said Dr. James who eyed the monitor.
    Dr. Colan repositioned the nodes on Victor’s body.
    “Clear,” he repeated.
    The electric shock almost fried the nodes as a spark of electricity shimmered through Victor’s still body.
    Victor stood in awe watching them work on him.
    Who am I now, thought Victor? Lorenz appeared next to him. It was Lorenz whom Victor had heard calling his name.
    “Ah, it ceases to amaze me. Flesh is nothing in the sight of God. It is as fickle as a blade of grass,” said Lorenz. Victor turned to him.
    “You asked what you are. You are about to be glorified. Do you remember your glory Adonari? Do you?” said Lorenz.
    “I remember who I was and I remember the Day of the Fall,” said Victor.
    “What’s over there on that operating table is not you. Besides you had to die to be born again. Your redemption is almost complete but you are not glorified yet,” said Lorenz.
    They watched the doctors working feverishly.
    “Colan, it’s not working,” said Dr. James.
    “I’m aware of that Dr. James. I swear I didn’t know you were an expert in vampirology,” said Dr. Colan with gray blood all over his green scrubs.
    “No need to get testy Colan, I was just pointing out that I think he has flatlined but you and I know absolutely nothing about how the vampire’s body work,” said Dr. James.
    “Look it’s over,” said Dr. James. “We can’t get him-”
    “You mean ‘it’ not ‘him’,” said Dr. Colan.
    “Yes, ‘it’ back,” said Dr. James.
    Dr. Colan paused and put down the reviving electrodes.
    “Our cure is gone,

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