Sons of God's Generals: Unlocking the Power of Godly Inheritance

Free Sons of God's Generals: Unlocking the Power of Godly Inheritance by Joshua Frost

Book: Sons of God's Generals: Unlocking the Power of Godly Inheritance by Joshua Frost Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joshua Frost
told me it was a good thing. I was confused. When I opened the front door I heard my mom laughing, which was not out of the ordinary, however, it was
she was laughing. I walked into the kitchen and saw something crazy. My mom was rolling around on the floor, laughing, shrieking, screaming, and crying.
    I was confused.
“You left me at school because Mom was laughing?”
She seemed drunk. Which she was—drunk in the Spirit of God. Somehow she got up off the floor and began dancing around the kitchen. Then she took a piece of paper, tore it up, grabbed a jar of confetti, ran into the backyard, and threw them all up into the air, showering the grass below her feet. I didn’t understand what was happening. Later I learned that it was a party. It was a celebration. God had wooed her back to Himself and she was His again. She had returned to her first love and this was the dawning of a new age. On that paper was written the names of major cities around the world. As she threw the confetti and torn-up pieces of paper in the air, she was “sowing” seeds of the cities that God would take her to—and ultimately us, as a family.
    After that, I saw my mom change more. She was happy, really happy, laughing and crying at the drop of a hat. I remember one time I heard her screaming from the other end of the house. I ran to her room where I found her, stiff as a statue, eyes as wide as plates. She gasped and said,
“He’s heeeereeee!”
After a brief moment of terror, assuming that there was an intruder in our house, I realized she was having an open vision of Jesus. I don’t know what scared me more—my mom screaming or the thought of Jesus manifesting Himself in my house. Another scary encounter happened one morning when my mom was driving me to school. While we were on a bridge I saw her frantically looking back and forth between the rearview mirror and the side-view mirror. Then she started screaming her head off. I was absolutely freaking out. I was yelling,
“Mom! Pull over! Stop the car!”
but she couldn’t because we were still on the bridge. Once we got to the other side she pulled over. After a few minutes she could finally speak. She told me she had seen two angels. One was sitting in the back seat and the other one was hanging outside of the car, flying alongside us, hair blowing in the wind. Her two angels made repeat appearance often. Crazy things were happening.
    My mom was not the only one who changed. My dad was different too. He also had an encounter with the Lord and he had changed. Both of them were so happy and in love with the Lord that it manifested a renewal in their marriage. A reawakening. My parents were happy, in love, and loving God together. That made me realize that they weren’t happy before. Shortly after that, my life totally changed. My parents decided we would travel as a family. They took me out of school, began to homeschool—or as we affectionately called it, “road school”—sold my childhood home, relocated us to Florida, and began our life of full-time ministry as a reunited family. Things were completely different.
    What did my new life look like? We began to spend more time in planes, trains, and hotels than we did at home. We ate more restaurant meals than home cooked. Ministering at churches for extended periods of time—days, weeks, even months! God was moving so powerfully in my dad’s meetings that one weekend of revival meetings turned into nine months. I spent my 13th birthday in the Philippines, my 16th birthday in Toronto, my 18th birthday in Mozambique, and my 21st in South Africa. We spent almost every Christmas from 2000 to 2008 in Nicaragua with orphans. Holidays and birthdays were not off limits. It was an exciting, relentless schedule that required a lot of sacrifice. While I never had a high school graduation and I didn’t go to prom, I did have unique life experiences. I was comfortable in a room full of strangers; I could make friends anytime, anywhere. I

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