Adventurers Wanted 1) Slathbog's Gold

Free Adventurers Wanted 1) Slathbog's Gold by M.L. Forman

Book: Adventurers Wanted 1) Slathbog's Gold by M.L. Forman Read Free Book Online
Authors: M.L. Forman
Tags: Fantasy
the table. “I thought we’d all eat together.”
    “The others have many concerns,” said Arconn. “They are less in need of sleep and more in need of doing.”
    “Did they sleep at all?” Andy asked, pushing his chair back from the table and looking at the dark window. “It’s not even daybreak yet.”
    “We’ve all slept,” Arconn replied, smiling. “And daybreak isn’t far off.”
    “How far away is the great arch?” Alex questioned, pushing his own chair back.
    “Two hours’ hard ride,” answered Arconn. “But we should get there in about four hours. Perhaps a little more. I doubt we’ll pass through the arch until after our midday meal.”
    “And Bregnest still needs to give us final instructions,” Andy added, looking at Alex.
    “Final instructions?”
    “What to do if you get separated from the group, or lost, or something,” Andy answered. “You know, just in case.”
    “Or in case you run into trouble that the company needs to know about,” Arconn added.
    “Aren’t we all traveling together?” Alex asked in alarm.
    “Yes, we are,” said Arconn with a slight laugh. “But you never know what might happen on an adventure. It’s best to be prepared.”
    “If you’re finished, Alex,” Andy said, “we should probably head to the stables.”
    Alex swallowed the last bite of his breakfast. “I’ve never ridden a horse,” he said, sounding more nervous than he would have liked.
    “Don’t worry,” said Andy, patting Alex on the shoulder. “Bregnest picked good horses. I don’t imagine you could fall off unless you really tried. Maybe not even then.”
    “Yes, but—”
    “He’s quite right,” said Arconn, standing up. “Bregnest is a good judge of horses as well as of men. You have nothing to worry about.”
    Alex was worried, though, even with Arconn’s reassurance. He’d never been up close to a horse, not because he’d never had the chance, but because they scared him. They were big and seemed to know things about people. Alex remembered when Todd had been bitten by a horse. Somehow the horse had known Todd was up to something he shouldn’t have been. Alex remembered the look in the horse’s eyes and he had stayed clear of horses ever since.
    “These are for you,” said Arconn, handing Alex a package as they walked to the front of the Golden Swan. “I thought they might be useful.”
    “Thank you,” said Alex, slightly puzzled. He thought about all the gear he and Andy had bought the previous day and wondered what they could have forgotten.
    Opening the package, Alex found two books. The first was a thin book bound in black leather. Adventurer’s Handbook was written on the cover in silver letters. The second book was much larger and its binding was made of something Alex didn’t recognize. There was nothing written on the cover of the second book, and when he opened it, Alex saw that the pages were covered in strange markings he couldn’t read.
    “What is it?” Alex asked.
    “It is a book of magic,” Arconn answered in a serious tone. “It will teach you many things you may need to know on this adventure. However, it will teach you only a small part of what you will need to know if you want to be a wizard.”
    “But I can’t read the writing,” Alex said softly, not wanting to offend Arconn.
    “I don’t imagine you can,” said Arconn, a smile returning to his face. “But in time you will learn how to read this book, and I will help you as much as I can.”
    “But you’re not a wizard,” said Alex without thinking. “I mean, you said before that—”
    “You are correct.” Arconn laughed. “I am not a wizard and could never be one. But that doesn’t mean I don’t have some magic of my own.”
    “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean—”
    “It is all right,” Arconn said. “You have much to learn, and your words have not offended.”
    “Thank you,” Alex said again, not knowing what else to say. He looked at the books once more before

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