Adventurers Wanted 1) Slathbog's Gold

Free Adventurers Wanted 1) Slathbog's Gold by M.L. Forman Page B

Book: Adventurers Wanted 1) Slathbog's Gold by M.L. Forman Read Free Book Online
Authors: M.L. Forman
Tags: Fantasy
a nearby spring, Alex retrieved the many water bags Andy had insisted he buy. Yesterday, Alex had thought Andy was mad to insist on so many water bags; today, Alex was glad he had them.
    After he’d filled his water bags and stored them in his magic bag, Alex walked stiffly back to the others. They were gathered around a small fire, sitting quietly and watching as Thrang cooked their meal.
    “Final instructions while we eat,” said Bregnest, accepting a plate of food from Thrang. “Then we will arm, and divide some food between us. Am I correct in thinking that we all do not have food in our bags?”
    “All but two have food enough,” Skeld laughed, nodding toward Alex and Andy.
    Alex hadn’t thought of buying food while he and Andy were shopping the day before. Andy hadn’t taken him to any shops to buy food, though now it seemed like an obvious thing to think of. Now it was too late, and Alex had no idea how much food he would need for himself, let alone the other members of his company.
    “I think there will be plenty for all,” said Bregnest with a smile. “It will be a good thing for each of us to have some food in our bags. You never know what might happen on an adventure. Having a little extra food in your bag might make the difference between finishing the quest and starving to death.
    “First, however, the final instructions,” Bregnest continued. “We have all signed the Bargain and know what is expected if any or all of our company should fall. We have also agreed, except for our eighth man, that if any are lost, we will try to find them. The time limit on this search will be thirteen days, as specified in the Adventurer’s Handbook. ”
    “Do you agree to this, Alex?” Arconn asked as Bregnest paused.
    “Yes, I agree,” answered Alex.
    “Very well then,” said Bregnest, his tone remaining serious. “After the thirteenth day of searching, the lost person or persons are free to do what seems best to them. If they wish to continue the adventure to its end or return to Telous, none here will say anything against their choice.”
    Alex accepted his own plate from Thrang. The instructions seemed sensible, but he hoped he would not need to remember them later. He wondered how he would ever be able to find his way back to Telous if he got lost.
    “Finally, I wish you all luck,” said Bregnest with a smile.
    “Luck,” the rest of the company said loudly.
    They finished eating in silence; soon Thrang stood to collect the plates. The rest of the company began producing packages of food from their magic bags and giving them to Andy and Alex.
    “Thrang and Arconn will keep the freshest things,” said Skeld. “They’ve got ice rooms in their bags.”
    “Ice rooms?” Alex questioned, looking at Andy.
    “Rooms that stay cold,” Andy answered. “I thought about ordering you one, but I didn’t want to go too far with Thrang’s gold.”
    “A useful room,” said Thrang, as he playfully threw a package of food at Skeld. “You’d be wise to get one if you ever have the chance.”
    “When Slathbog’s hoard is ours, I’ll get one,” Skeld replied as the package bounced off his head.
    The exchange of packages went on for some time, and Alex wondered if he would have room in his bag for everything. With some difficulty, he managed to store everything where he thought he would remember.
    “Time to arm ourselves,” said Bregnest. “We do not know what lies ahead. We should be ready to meet whatever we find.”
    Alex carefully retrieved his new sword from his bag. Once again he thought he could see words mixed in with the gold swirls on the scabbard, and once again they vanished when
he blinked. Andy showed him how to attach the scabbard
to his belt and helped him arrange the straps so they looped over his head and shoulder. Alex felt uncomfortable with a sword at his side and hoped his discomfort didn’t show too much.
    The rest of the company armed themselves as well. Bregnest strapped a sword

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