For Love or Loyalty: The MacGregor Legacy | Book 1

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Book: For Love or Loyalty: The MacGregor Legacy | Book 1 by Jennifer Hudson Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Hudson Taylor
    “Aye.” Logan groaned. “If I do not have to be up to plow a field afore dawn, I might as well sleep in a wee bit.”
    “I set it on dim. Stop yer complainin’. Ye sound like a bunch o’ lasses, ye do.” Archie leapt out of his hammock and stood, stretching his arms. “I am starvin’. Ye had better get up if ye wanna break yer fast.”
    “I like yer spunk, my friend,” Patrick said, yawning. “I think I shall grab a bite to eat and write my journal for yesterday. I plan to keep an account of the trip and sell my articles to the newspapers when I arrive in the colonies.”
    “Just as long as it does not contain any of our personal lives.” Malcolm lifted a finger, pointing in his direction. The last thing he needed was the Campbells reading about them. He had no doubt that Duncan would find him, but he wanted the man to work at it as he wondered about Lauren’s fate.
    “I will not use names if that bothers ye.” Patrick sighed, running his fingers through his blond locks. “Malcolm MacGregor, ye can be a testy one, I see.”
    “Aye.” Malcolm stretched his cramped legs and arms. “An’ do not be forgettin’ it either.”
    “Go on with the lot o’ ye. I am tryin’ to get some sleep.” Logan threw his plaid over his head.
    “I shall break my fast as well. No tellin’ what kind of mischief Miss Lauren Campbell has waiting for me today.” Malcolm grinned as he swung his legs over the hammock. His bare feet hit the cold wooden floor. He winced in distaste.
    “Ye had better make yerself more presentable than ye are right now.” Patrick chuckled. “In fact, I am looking forward to meeting the lass. Yer sister, too, Logan.”
    “Argh!” came the response from the beneath the plaid.
    “Never mind him.” Malcolm stood and raised his arms above his head. His joints popped, loosening his muscles. Now he felt better. “I shall introduce ye to them. Just mind yer manners.”
    Up on deck a few people leaned over the rails. Sailors were busy with various tasks, but they didn’t miss whistling as Lauren and her cabinmates appeared. Malcolm’s stomach tightened in knots as he remembered Mr. MacKinnon’s warning. Lauren’s golden hair coiled and lifted in the wind, striking a bright contrast to her red cloak. Her high cheekbones and pearl white skin gave her a regal beauty he should have seen before. At least her blue eyes looked well rested as she scanned the deck. He wondered if she looked for him or if she surveyed her surroundings out of general curiosity.
    Her gaze landed on him. She paused. He took a deep breath, wishing things could have been different between them. Their births into opposing clans had always separated them. Her wealth and his poverty created an even deeper divide. Before, only circumstances were against them, but now, he made it personal. Lauren Campbell had every reason to hate him, and the knowledge didn’t sit well with him.
    “Come, lads, I shall make the introductions.” Malcolm strode toward the women. Deidra twisted her lips into a sour expression but forced a smile when acknowledging his cabinmates. Kathleen’s greeting turned out to be more welcoming.
    Once the introductions were over, Archie drew Lauren into conversation with his animated chatter. Patrick and Kathleen seemed to find common ground regarding their studies. As an aspiring writer, he approved her goal to be a teacher.
    “Where is my brother?” Deidra asked, stepping in line beside Malcolm where they waited for a cup of black coffee and a biscuit.
    “If he does not have to get up to plow a field afore sunrise, he would just as soon sleep,” Malcolm said.
    “Sounds like him.” Deidra grinned. “I shall save half my biscuit for ’im.”
    “Ye do not like me, do ye?” Malcolm asked, determined to air their grievances. He preferred to know his enemies, not guess at them.
    “On the contrary, I am sure I would like ye fine if I had met ye under better circumstances.” Deidra turned a

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