For Love or Loyalty: The MacGregor Legacy | Book 1

Free For Love or Loyalty: The MacGregor Legacy | Book 1 by Jennifer Hudson Taylor

Book: For Love or Loyalty: The MacGregor Legacy | Book 1 by Jennifer Hudson Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Hudson Taylor
hazel eyes. How could the man who wanted to protect her from the vile conditions in the hold be the same as the man who wanted to sell her into indentured service? It didn’t make sense. In contrast, why hadn’t she even given the people in the hold more thought? When she first came aboard, there were many more people. It was as if half of them disappeared. “I should have wondered what happened to all the people I saw boarding.” She shook her head, now disgusted with herself. “I was so caught up in what was happening to me that I did not pay attention . . . I did not think about it.”
    “I am afraid there is more.” Malcolm ran a hand through his russet-colored hair. In the mixture of the light from the moon and the nearby lantern, it almost looked like the color of a pumpkin.
    “I do not wish to hear more,” she said.
    “Well, ye must. It concerns ye.” He took a deep breath. “Mr. MacKinnon said ye’re at risk on board with no protection of a kinsman. Be careful around the sailors. I do not want ye goin’ anywhere on this ship by yerself. Take one of yer friends with ye at all times.”
    “I see.” She nodded, feeling a sudden discomfort. Lauren slid off the barrel, ready to go back to her cabin and rest. She wrung her hands at the distressing news.
    “And, Lauren, be wary of Mr. MacKinnon himself. I dislike the way he was talking ’bout ye when he warned me.”
    “What do ye mean?” She paused, her heart pounding. Was she in trouble? Did he suspect her story to be false? She scratched the side of her neck, hating the nervous itch.
    “He implied he might not be above indecent behavior with a bonny lass such as yerself. Just be careful.” He held out his elbow. “I know I am not a proper gentleman, but I shall walk ye back to the cabin just the same.”

    Darkness claimed the cabin as Malcolm lay in his hammock swinging back and forth. The ship sailed over the swelling sea, and his thoughts kept returning to Lauren. Malcolm had always resented her visiting and bringing them food. He was too proud to admit they needed it. Instead of being thankful and gracious, he had kept to the fields or prowled the village to avoid her.
    His mother and sister always looked forward to Lauren’s visits. She told them news of the outside world, and his mother shared her wisdom and faith. The few times he managed to witness their discussions, Lauren sat on a wooden chair with her chin propped in her hand at the table like a doting child. Her cousin Keith always lounged in a corner or paced outside.
    Malcolm wondered whether his mother survived the trip. She and Carleen would have been dumped in the hold and left to suffer like criminals caged in the dark. His heart ached at the thought. An image of Graham’s battered face came to mind. He hoped Thomas would get him safely to Glenstrae and to their uncle before the Campbells returned.
    Sleep evaded him, but he forced himself to relax as the hammock swayed. It was better than being tossed to and fro on a hard bed or dealing with bed bugs. Aye, a hammock would be better for Lauren whether or not she realized it. Her blue eyes taunted him like a burning torch in his soul. She confused, irritated, and gnawed at his insides with guilt until he wanted to protect her and amend his ways, but it was too late. The MacGregors had already stolen her and infuriated the Campbells. They would seek revenge, and he needed to save his mother and sister.
    His cabinmates stirred. One of them lit a dim lantern. Other than Logan, Malcolm met Archibald Clark and Patrick Stewart when he returned to his cabin after dealing with Lauren. Archie swung in the hammock beside him, scratching his red head. The lad was young at ten and eight, but he had lots of energy.
    “Good mornin’, lads.” Patrick’s wispy voice floated across the room, still filled with sleep. He rubbed his eyes and blinked.
    “Lads? I am five years yer senior,” Malcolm said. “And who lit that lantern so

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