For Love or Loyalty: The MacGregor Legacy | Book 1

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Book: For Love or Loyalty: The MacGregor Legacy | Book 1 by Jennifer Hudson Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Hudson Taylor
green-eyed gaze at him. “I dislike what ye’re doing to Lauren.”
    “I am not happy ’bout it either, but I shall do what I must to save my mither an’ sister. At least her family can afford to buy her back. My family does not have that luxury.”

    When her cabinmates went below, Lauren stayed on deck where she could enjoy the fresh sea air and the bright sunshine. She missed her long walks around the estate of Kilchurn Manor as well as the long talks with Blair. The breeze lifting off the ocean’s surface gave her chills, but it was just what she needed after spending the night in a stuffy cabin.
    Lauren wrapped her arms around herself as she thought of the hammock Malcolm had hung for her. The swaying motion had rocked her to sleep. Unlike her cabinmates, she never feared being tossed onto the floor as the ship sailed over the great swells. Kathleen complained of itching when she woke this morning.
    “Paid passengers, please return to your cabins for the next hour.” Mr. MacKinnon made the announcement on the quarterdeck steps. “The indentured servants will be up from the hold. They are dirty and carry illnesses you should not be exposed to.”
    “I am commissioned as a minister in the Carolinas.” A man stepped out from the crowd as others lined up to return to the cabins below. “I should like to attend to the spiritual needs of the poor.” He wore a black tricorn hat and round spectacles. A hint of gray layered his brown hair at the temples. His dark coat contained brass buttons, and the length reached his knees. Tan breeches complemented a brown waistcoat topped with a white cravat.
    “You may wait on the quarterdeck with the captain while the sailers inspect those who are well enough to come up for food and fresh air.” Mr. MacKinnon pointed up the steps behind him.
    “May I wait as well?” Lauren stepped beside the pastor. “At home I often brought food and medicine to the poor. Mayhap, I could be of assistance.”
    Mr. MacKinnon hesitated, looking up at the captain standing behind the wheel. The gray-headed man nodded. His hard expression never wavered.
    “Pastor, you shall be responsible for Miss Campbell,” said Mr. MacKinnon.
    “Indeed.” The pastor held out his elbow with a wide grin. “God’s favor is upon me this day to put me beside such a bonny lass.”
    “Thank ye.” Lauren placed her hand on his arm and allowed him to lead her up the steps.
    “Ye remind me of my daughter, Megan. She is about yer age. I daresay, over the course of the next year, I shall miss my bonny wife and all five of my children.”
    “I am sorry. I also left family behind,” Lauren said.
    They turned around at the rail, overlooking the main deck. Lauren removed her hand from the pastor’s arm and gripped the rail as the last of the paid passengers disappeared.
    “My name is Pastor Braddoch Patterson of Argyll.” He bowed, tipping his hat. “I give ye leave to call me Pastor Brad as most of my former congregation did. The idea of Pastor Patterson does not sit well with me.” He waved a hand in the air. “Never has.”
    “I am Lauren Campbell of Kilchurn Manor of Argyll.” She dip-
ped into a curtsey while holding one hand on to the rail.
    “Ah, I know the place well. I believe I visted the parish a couple of times when ye was a wee lass. Would yer father happen to be Duncan Campbell?” He raised a dark brow.
    Lauren bit her bottom lip, unsure if she wanted to admit to the connection. While she loved her father, he had made few friends among the clergy. In fact, he infuriated many of them. Since he held the king’s favor, few could complain without making an enemy of her father and incur his wrath.
    “Aye, he is my da.” She watched his reaction, wondering if it would change his behavior toward her.
    “Oh, the others are coming out on deck now.” Pastor Brad turned his attention toward the poor souls below them. It was an effective way to change the subject and one she welcomed.

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