Hart of Empire

Free Hart of Empire by Saul David

Book: Hart of Empire by Saul David Read Free Book Online
Authors: Saul David
Tags: Saul David
that,' said George, calmly. 'I wish to be sure that Ishtar has a say in the matter.'
    'You have much to learn about our customs,' said Ilderim. 'Ishtar owes her life to my father. If he asked her to jump into a freezing river she would do it. Spending the night with a pretty youth like you is nothing. She might even enjoy it. Eh, Ishtar?'
    The girl did not reply and, because she was still veiled, George was unable to read her expression, though her eyes seemed faintly amused.
    'So what do you say, Feringhee?' asked Abdulla. 'Will you lie with her or not?'
    George had been in some ticklish positions in his young life, but none quite as bizarre as this. He was certainly attracted to the girl, and would have liked to take her to his bed if she was willing. But how could he know she was before he accepted Abdulla's offer? The only solution, he decided, was to tread a delicate middle ground.
    'I will,' said George, standing up and taking Ishtar's hand. 'And as it's late, and we have an early start, I hope you will not take offence if I retire at this very minute.'
    Abdulla roared with laughter. 'You change your mind like a woman, Feringhee, but no matter. Leave us and enjoy yourself. The servants will show you the way.'
    'Good night, then,' said George.
    He and Ishtar followed a servant along a passageway, then up a spiral staircase to a chamber in one of the towers. It was a simple whitewashed room with few furnishings beyond a carpet, a chest and an iron bedstead, and was lit by a single flaming torch set in the wall. Beside the bed lay George's kit-bag. He turned to Ishtar. 'You may stay or go. If you go, I won't tell the malik.'
    She unhooked one side of her veil to reveal a beautiful shapely mouth. Slowly her full lips parted in a smile. 'I will stay, Feringhee, not because you want me to but because I choose to.' With that she took two paces forward and raised her lips to his.
    Surprised by her boldness, George felt a momentary stab of guilt as he was reminded of the two women he had left behind in Africa - one with whom he was in love, or had been, and one who was in love with him and increasingly in his thoughts. Yet he was tied to neither, he told himself, and Ishtar was too inviting an opportunity to dismiss. His qualms assuaged, he leant forward and kissed her hungrily, pulling her towards him and down onto the bed.

Chapter 6

    They left at dawn, and were escorted by Gul Shah and his men as far as the Kabul road where they continued on alone. Ilderim broke the silence. 'Thank you for what you did last night, huzoor ,' he said, as they slowed their mounts to a walk. 'I am for ever in your debt.'
    'Not a bit of it,' replied George, trying to keep a straight face. 'It is I who am in your debt, or at least your father's. I have never known such hospitality. Your dancer . . .'
    Ilderim snorted. 'I did not mean Ishtar but your talk with my father. One moment he is angry enough to kill us both, the next he is ordering food and embracing me like the long-lost son I am. It was your doing, huzoor , and I shall not forget it.'
    'Oh, that ,' said George, feigning surprise. 'Well, I did it to save both our skins. But, joking aside, it was fortunate that your father sympathized with my mission because he and the British government in London have the same basic aim in Afghanistan - to keep the mullah from power and British troops out.'
    'Yes, huzoor , very fortunate. But why didn't you tell me about your mission? I knew you were no trader. A soldier always knows his kind.'
    George grinned. 'You spotted me, all right. But I didn't dare tell you because I was afraid you wouldn't come with me if you knew the truth. I suspect most Afghans would happily slit the throat of an infidel if he dared to look upon the cloak, let alone touch it.'
    'Maybe so, huzoor . But you have my father's blessing and that is enough for me. I will remain with you until you have the cloak, or are killed, whichever comes first.'
    'Thank you, Ilderim. I appreciate

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