Dangerous Beauty: Part One: Destiny
it now.
    Lucca let out a long sigh. “Well, get your ass up we’re about to go out. Kyle knows this bar. He says the food’s good and the waitresses are hot. Of course, knowing Kyle he’s probably already slept with half of them.”
    Nathan nodded in agreement. “True, he has a serious problem. I’m surprised he still goes to the place then. Isn’t he afraid of what they’ll do to his food?” Nathan questioned, disgusted by the possibility.
    Lucca laughed loud and made a disgusted face. “Good question, we should ask Kyle before we go.”
    “Ask me what?” Kyle asked walking into Nathan’s room with Mickey and Dante.
    Mickey walked over to the window. “I knew you guys would give him this room, what is your obsession with water views, Nate?” he asked staring out the window inquisitively.
    Nathan ignored him. Dante plopped down on the opposite side of Nathan’s bed, and Kyle walked over and stood in front of Nathan.
    “Ask me what?” he asked again, eyeing Nathan curiously.
    Lucca chuckled. “This bar you want to go to tonight.”
    Dante sat up quickly and pointed at Lucca knowingly. “Yeah, I was wondering the same thing as you when he was talking about “Benny’s Bar with the sexy waitresses.”
    Kyle looked at them bemused. “What’s wrong with going to a bar with sexy waitresses?”
    Nathan shrugged. “Nothing, as long as it’s not a bar full of women scorned because you’re the cold-hearted asshole that fucked them, and didn’t call.”
    Kyle arched an eyebrow. “Yeah, look who’s talking. Will one of you tell the giant Russian that he has no room to talk?”
    Nathan smirked. “Correction, I’m Russian
Italian, jackass. Plus, I’m not as reckless as you are,” he said.
    Kyle gave him a deadpan look. “One word Nathan, Julia.”
    Nathan laughed. Of course Kyle would bring up Julia.
“Yeah, you got me there, but Julia isn’t a waitress at a restaurant where I dine you blue eyed son of a bitch. You are taking us to an eating establishment full of women who are most likely pissed at you.”
    The other guys in the room nodded their heads and mumbled their agreement with Nathan.
    Kyle feigned outrage. “I am shocked that you motherfuckers would think so low of me. You think I would take you to a restaurant where I would potentially get food that has been poisoned?” he said putting his hand on his chest.
    They all laughed.
    “We don’t know what your crazy ass would do Kyle. We just know you have probably slept with half the girls in Hope Beach by now, as often as you come here,” Dante said through a laugh.
    Kyle rolled his eyes. It was probably true, but the bastards had no right to judge. “One, Dante you are promiscuous as hell, so shut the fuck up…”
    Dante laughed.
    “Two, I don’t sleep with them I fuck them. Three, all of the more ‘spirited’ ladies at the bar have already been fired,” Kyle said crossing his arms over his chest. “And four, there’s no need to fear gentlemen, I have Carter.”
    Mickey turned from the window and looked at Kyle curiously. “Who’s he? The bouncer?”
    Kyle chuckled. “No little brother of mine, Carter is my sexy little waitress.” he said smugly.
    Nathan eyed him inquisitively. “So what, she’s a waitress you fucked that doesn’t hate you?”
    Kyle shook his head. “No I haven’t, but she adores me and she is the one that gets my food. Sometimes we have lunch together,” Kyle said shrugging his shoulders.
    Mickey frowned in confusion. “So she’s a waitress you have lunch with, that adores you, and you haven’t fucked her?”
    Kyle nodded his head yes.
    “Oh, I get it,” Mickey said raising his eyebrows and nodding his head. “She’s ugly,” he said with a shrug and the other guys broke out laughing.
    Kyle frowned and shook his head vehemently. “Hell no, there is not an ugly bone in Carter’s perfect little body. Actually she’s one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen” Kyle said in a

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