Dangerous Beauty: Part One: Destiny
and Mickey.
    Mickey frowned and pursed his lips while jerking his head toward Nathan.
    Nathan rolled his eyes. “We had to handle something last minute in Brooklyn, and uh…then we got held up in traffic.”
    Mickey snorted. “No, Nathan held up traffic for reasons only God knows. It was like he was a damn zombie staring at nothing.”
    Nathan frowned. “That’s not true. I was looking at some of the sites. I missed the light and Mickey got all bitchy about it.” Nathan lied. He wasn’t going to tell them he held up traffic because a beautiful woman held his attention captive. He wasn’t going to tell them that he couldn’t take his eyes off of her for more than a minute even if he tried, and he definitely wasn’t going to tell them that if she hadn’t gotten dragged away, he’d probably still be in traffic grinning at her like a fucking idiot. Nope, telling all that would just be too much.
    “Bullshit. I was trying to get his attention, and once I got it he was looking at me like he had just come out of a fucking trance,” Mickey said scowling at Nathan.
    “See what I was saying? Bitchy.”
    Dante fell back on the couch laughing.
    Mickey glared at Nathan. “Kiss my ass, Nathan.”
    Nathan laughed, messing with Mickey amused him. Mickey was the youngest of them all, not by much, but it was still fun to tease the kid.
    Lucca walked over and slapped Mickey on the back good-naturedly. “Don’t let Nathan piss you off, kid. He’s just being a smart-ass.”
    Mickey waved Nathan off. “Screw you, Nathan. I know what I saw you bastard. Anyway, I’ll be in my room. Call when Kyle comes down and we leave for food.” He walked up the stair case holding a suitcase in one hand, and holding up his middle finger at Nathan with the other.
    Nathan chuckled and turned to Lucca. “I suppose you guys have already chosen a room, so I’ll just take what’s left, it doesn’t matter to me.”
    “I got you cousin. I’ll show you where your room is.” Lucca grabbed Nathan’s bag and led him up the steps.
    Nathan grabbed his second bag and followed up after Lucca.
    Once they made it up the white marble staircase they walked down a long hallway with a skylight.
Good idea
, Nathan thought, as he admired the architecture of the house.
    “We know how much you like your privacy Nate, so we saved you one of the master bedrooms. It’s some distance from the rest of the rooms but you’ll love it, trust me,” Lucca said.
    They finally made it to Nathan’s room, and Lucca was right, Nathan loved it. The décor maintained the contemporary theme like the rest of the house, and the walls were painted with warm colors, but that was not the part that Nathan loved the most. The room had large sliding glass doors that opened to a private patio. Nathan walked to the large windows and admired the view of the ocean.
    “I know how much you love the water so I told them to save you this room. You have your own space and it’s a master so you have your own bathroom, with that big ass Jacuzzi tub so you should be good,” Lucca said from behind Nathan.
    Nathan continued to stare out of the windows at the sun setting above the ocean.
    Lucca went on talking. “And there are stairs that lead down to the beach on the balcony. I know how much you love those swims so that should make it easier.”
    Nathan knew that Lucca was babbling, looking for a way to ask the question he really wanted to ask. Nathan decided to put him out of his misery.
    “Just ask Lucca, I know you want to,” Nathan said. He didn’t turn to look at Lucca. He just kept his eyes on the ocean.
    Lucca sighed. “Are you okay? I know it’s a difficult time of year for you with the anniversary of what happened to Aunt Anya coming up.”
    Nathan turned to look at him and nodded. “I’m fine, Lucca. I promise. I’ve come a long way. I think I’ll be able to make it through this month without having a breakdown.” He chuckled.
    Lucca frowned. “Nathan I’m serious,

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