Medical Error

Free Medical Error by Richard Mabry

Book: Medical Error by Richard Mabry Read Free Book Online
Authors: Richard Mabry
Tags: Medical Error
Hatley, including the reason someone else would use his health insurance to get treatment.
    Her phone rang as she headed out the door. She didn't recognize the number, but the caller ID showed UT Southwestern Med Ctr. The chances that this would be something good ranged from slim to none, but she decided she couldn't dodge the call. Her curiosity wouldn't let her.
    "Dr. McIntyre."
    "Doctor, this is Laura Ernst. Have you called Ross Donovan?"
    "I called and left a message. I'm waiting for a callback."
    "Ross isn't an early riser, but he'll get back to you," Ernst said. "Anyway, that's not why I called."
    "My assistant just had a call from the supervisor in Medical Records. You apparently persuaded a clerk to give you contact information for Eric Hatley's next of kin."
    No use denying it. "That's right."
    "Those records are supposed to be off- limits except as authorized by my office. I hope you don't plan to make contact with the family."
    "Why do you say that?" Anna asked.
    Ernst cleared her throat. "When a patient dies while they're under our care, there's always the possibility that the family might bring suit against us, especially if there's a suspicion of medical error. I've looked into the circumstances of this case, and it appears to me that the proximate cause of the patient's death was the antibiotic you and Dr. Nguyn ordered."
    "Given the situation, I feel strongly that it's best that all further communication with the family come through our office."
    So much for any care and concern from Ernst. Now it was going to be all about protecting the institution. "In other words, you think we're at fault, and we should keep our heads down," Anna said.
    "I wouldn't put it that way, but there's something to be said for doing exactly that."
    Anna switched the phone to her other hand and flexed the fingers that cramped from their death grip on the receiver."Well, Ms. Ernst, how do you feel about my expressing my sympathy for this woman's loss? This isn't a statistic she's burying, it's her son. And there are some questions that I'd like to get answered, questions that might shed some light on why Eric died."
    "Of course, I can't order you not to extend your condolences, but I wish you'd do it with a sympathy card, nothing more."
    Anna took in a huge breath through her mouth and exhaled through her nose. It came out as more of a snort than she'd intended, but then again, maybe that was the message she felt like sending. "Ms. Ernst, unless I receive a direct order from either my chairman or the dean, I intend to visit Eric Hatley's family. I'll make sure that your office is made aware of any information I might gain. There are some questions that need to be answered, questions that affect the way other patients are treated. I intend to get those answers." Anna took a deep breath and tried to make her voice calm. "I do appreciate your help in my dealing with the police, but on this one I think we're going to have to agree to disagree. Thank you for calling."
    Anna pushed the button to end the call and longed momentarily for an old-fashioned phone that she could slam into its cradle. She'd never been fond of attorneys, and this little episode hadn't done anything to change her mind. Nevertheless, as she closed the front door behind her, the tiny seed of doubt Ernst had planted in the back of her mind began to grow. Anna hoped she was doing the right thing.


    The door opened to the limit of the safety chain, and an eye peered out. "Who are you?" The voice was a husky contralto, the words without inflection, as though the speaker were reciting them from a script.
    "I'm Dr. Anna McIntyre. Remember, we met briefly at the hospital? I was with your son when he . . . when he died."Anna shifted uneasily from side to side. "May I come in for a moment?"
    The door closed. As she waited, Anna tried without success to recapture an image of Mrs. Hatley from

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