Tempting Fate (The Blake Boys Book 9)

Free Tempting Fate (The Blake Boys Book 9) by Rhonda Laurel

Book: Tempting Fate (The Blake Boys Book 9) by Rhonda Laurel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rhonda Laurel
Jacob, the pair hopped in his car and headed for Texas University.
    “Uncle Channing, what made you want to become a lawyer?”
    “Well, I always had a curiosity about the rules that govern us all. When I was younger I liked to break a lot of them.”
    “Come on, you can tell me. Aunt Morgan showed me the articles you wrote on constitutional law. You take quite a passionate stance on the public’s right to have a fair trial.” She beamed.
    “Are you seventeen or thirty seven?” he quipped.
    “Aunt Morgan says there’s nothing wrong with being aware of the world around you.”
    “Well, she’s right. That’s one of the reasons I love talking to her; she has an extensive knowledge of many things. I guess that’s what happens when you live in a world made of books.”
    “I hope to be that well-rounded someday.”
    “I think you already are. So what other fields are you interested in?”
    “I’m also thinking of being an engineer, a publicist, or a doctor.”
    “Wow. You have lofty ambitions. I thought about being a doctor for about five minutes. I have to say it would be nice to have a doctor in the family.”
    She winced. “It takes a lot of schooling and dedication.”
    “Everything worthwhile requires effort and patience. If you want to talk to a woman attorney, I have a friend whose brain you can pick.” He smiled.
    “Is she your girlfriend?”
    That was an excellent question. “We’re very good friends.”
    She gave him one of those teenage looks he couldn’t decipher. One thing was for sure: she was a bright girl with a hell of a future in front of her.
    “Do you mind if I channel hop?”
    “Go right ahead.” Channing listened for the next fifteen minutes as Avery scanned for a channel she liked and finally settled on a pop station. A young pop singer was crooning about a breakup with a boyfriend via text. The music was catchy, but the lyrics were kind of laughable, as if breaking up with someone via text would be as easy as the song alluded. But that didn’t stop Avery from rockin’ out. She became animated and started singing along as if she felt the lyrics from the heart. He couldn’t imagine some idiot boy breaking her heart, but he could see a line of Blakes forming to do him bodily harm if he did. When the song finally ended she looked over at him, embarrassed, and turned down the volume.
    “Sorry, I get carried away.” She gave him a shy smile.
    “No, by all means, I bought the car for the karaoke feel it had.”
    “The stations down here play a lot of country music, eh?”
    “My channels are pre-programmed. But country is my favorite type of music, and they’ll play one of Uncle Tate’s songs every now and again.”
    “Uncle Tate is a great singer. He gives an awesome concert. I downloaded all of his songs. I especially like the one he wrote for cousin Isabelle.”
    He grinned. “That was a really nice song.”
    “Uncle Channing, have you ever been in love?” She looked at him.
    Channing’s eyes darted from the road to her. “Why do you ask?”
    “You’re very handsome, but you don’t have a steady girlfriend. Aunt Morgan says you have to beat the girls off with a stick.”
    He laughed at that one. “Despite how easy it sounds in those songs, the road to love is a bit more complicated for us older folks.”
    “Huh,” she said.
    “Have you ever been in love?” Now was a good time to do some snooping for her father.
    “Nah. There was this boy I liked, but Daddy drove by his house a few times in his undercover car. I think it scared him off.”
    Channing drove through the gates of the school and stopped at the security shack for directions to visitor parking. “Good morning. My name is Channing Blake. We’re here for a campus tour.”
    “You can just park right over there sir.” The guard point to the right. “Someone from the Dean’s office will be here to get you in a few moments.”
    “Thanks.” Channing waved and parked his car.
    He and Avery were barely

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