Tempting Fate (The Blake Boys Book 9)

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Book: Tempting Fate (The Blake Boys Book 9) by Rhonda Laurel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rhonda Laurel
have attentive counselors who can help her navigate. I peeked at her transcripts, and they are excellent. Let’s go back to my office so I can finish the hard sell.” Dean Drake herded them back to the golf cart.
    They got back to the dean’s office to wrap up the visit. Even though his job was over, Xander lingered in the hallway.
    “If there’s anything you need, just call my secretary,” the dean said. “I can fast track things if Avery decides she wants to attend the school.”
    Channing shook his hand. “Thank you. Avery is a bright young lady with many choices, but I appreciate the personal touch with the tour.”
    Xander drove them back to the car.
    “It was nice to meet you, sir.” Xander extended his hand. “You have a very nice car.”
    “Nice to meet you too.” Channing noticed he didn’t try that macho handshake again.
    “Avery, I really hope you’ll want to attend. Maybe you can check out one of my games if you come back to Texas soon.” Xander caressed her hand before he handed her the tour gift bag.
    She blushed. “Thanks. I’d like to see you play sometime.”
    Channing hustled her off before Xander could think of a reason she’d need his number. They got on the road, and Avery chatted about the tour while texting her parents about the school. When she was done, she put her phone in her purse.
    “That was a cool campus. It looked like a mini city.” She reached into the bag and flipped through the brochure.
    He made a note to look through it when they got home in case Mr. Football had jotted down his number on one of the pamphlets.
    “You’ll see a lot of nice schools; just concentrate on choosing an institution that fits all your needs.” He smiled.
    “There’s another school I’d like to visit tomorrow. Think you could take me?”
    “It would be my pleasure.”
    “Really? Thank you!” She grabbed his neck and gave him a tight squeeze.
    * * *
    They stopped for lunch and talked about her other school prospects. She was also interested in schools in California and Michigan and was looking forward to visiting them. Channing found her optimism about the future infectious it got him to thinking about the next phase of his life. He’d accomplished his scholastic goals and was working for Blake Enterprises—what was on the horizon?
    His brothers made a good case for domestic life as they were busy loving great women and starting families, but he thanked his nephews for keeping him from prematurely pressing some fatherhood button before it’s time.
    Right now he wanted to focus on what was good in his life. He loved being with Cassidy. After those years of liking her from afar, he was delighted to find they had a real connection. They had similar tastes and liked to laugh. She preferred staying at home, instead of going out into the DC nightlife. She’d opened up more about the cancer and the side effects. She didn’t want him to take her low libido as a sign she wasn’t attracted to him; there were still a lot of things she was working through. There was no rush; he wasn’t going anywhere. When they eventually made love, he was sure it would only deepen their bond.
    By the time they got home Channing was exhausted. Avery spread out the materials on the kitchen table for John Jacob and Teri-Lyn and gushed about the school. His brothers were on a double date tonight with their wives, so his parents were babysitting Matt and Jack. It was too tempting not to play with them. Channing sat on the couch and started chatting to the newest members of the family.
    “Hey, boys. Get into any trouble today? Do your uncle a favor and try not to catch up to your cousins for a while. They’re on the fast track to becoming juvenile delinquents.”
    The babies seemed to get a kick out of that. They were smiling and trying to move around in their seats. He slipped Curly’s sock back on his foot; the infant had a knack for taking them off.
    “C.J., can you watch the boys for a minute? I

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