Tansy's Titan: Cosmos' Gateway Book 3

Free Tansy's Titan: Cosmos' Gateway Book 3 by S. E. Smith

Book: Tansy's Titan: Cosmos' Gateway Book 3 by S. E. Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. E. Smith
she was on her feet in the frigid air.
    “Hurry, I will get your bag. Climb in the back of the van,” Natasha said quickly looking around. “Helene says you are very popular with all the wrong people, Tansy. I would be most interested to know what you did to upset not only Boris Avilov but half of the other mob bosses of Russia as well.”
    Tansy snorted. “Take your pick. They don’t like it when you steal from them and they definitely don’t like it when you try to kill one of them.”
    Natasha looked at Tansy like she had lost her mind. “Shit, you don’t do anything halfway, do you?”
    “Let’s go! Sasha said half the force is being called in. There is a warehouse full of dead bodies and the captain is being told it must be contained,” Helene said in a hushed tone.
    Mak didn’t wait for Tansy to begin moving ; he simply swung her up into his arms and moved toward the back of the van where Helene was standing impatiently. Natasha moved forward tossing Tansy’s backpack in behind them. She slid into the passenger seat this time while Helene took over the driving.
    “Sasha will come for the car in a few minutes. He wanted to make sure we were not followed,” Helene said.
    “What did you tell your friend?” Tansy asked in a low voice.
    She had learned a long time ago the more people involved the more likely there was a weak link in the chain. Someone could always get to one of those links and break it. Whether it was through money, threats, or force it didn’t matter. The more people involved the more chance of getting caught.
    Helene looked behind her before turning to face forward. “Nothing. Sasha was told we are moving some furniture and needed to borrow a van. I told him I was being followed and didn’t want anyone to know where I was moving. I asked him to come get the car and drop it off at the department and I would pick it up later.”
    “Why would he think you were being followed?” Tansy asked in a suspicious voice.
    Natasha turned and looked at Tansy with a mischievous grin. “You are not the only one who brings out a possessive feeling. Helene has an admirer who has been very persistent lately.”
    Helene snorted. “I should just kill his ass. No one would ever know.”
    Natasha laughed. “He is only one of the wealthiest men in Moscow. He owns several popular night clubs in the city, as well as in several other European countries. He took a liking to Helene during one of our assignments. Since then, he has been very insistent.”
    Helene’s eyes flashed with irritation. “He is a dirty old man who wants a trophy on his arm. I am no man’s trophy!” She snapped out taking a turn a little faster than she should have.
    Mak wrapped his arm around Tansy’s smaller body and gripped a metal bar to keep them from being thrown around in the back of the van. “Slow down or drive better. You will not endanger my mate!”
    Tansy pushed on Mak’s arm in irritation. “I am not your mate. I don’t even know who you are! You came into my life a grand total of a few hours ago,” she growled back.
    “You are mine!” Mak said stubbornly. “You bear my mating mark.”
    “What in the hell are you talking about?” Tansy glared furiously. “So help me, if you did anything screwy to me while I was out I’ll castrate your ass!”
    It took a moment before the words translated correctly for Mak to understand what Tansy said. When it did, he couldn’t suppress the chuckle that escaped. “My ass does not have anything for you to castrate. You would need to focus on the front of me.”
    Tansy’s jaw dropped open before snapping shut when Natasha and Helene burst out laughing. “Well, it is nice to know you are built like a man,” she muttered.
    Mak’s eyes gleamed with desire as he leaned close to Tansy so only she could hear his next words. “Oh, I am most definitely built like a man … a very large man who wants you very badly.”
    Tansy blushed to the roots of her red hair. She looked up

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