Tansy's Titan: Cosmos' Gateway Book 3

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Book: Tansy's Titan: Cosmos' Gateway Book 3 by S. E. Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. E. Smith
at Mak was a combination of shock, fury, and curiosity. Her eyes sparkled at the challenge in his. She refused to back down. She knew what he was doing. He was daring her to be afraid of him. He was daring her to be intimidated by his size. Well, she may have never met a bigger man in size but she had yet to meet anything that she was so afraid of she would back down.
    “Well, just to let you know, I am NOT going to make it easy for you,” she whispered fiercely. “I’m not afraid of you, big guy. You can huff and puff all you want but this little girl is not going to be blown away by you!”
    Mak’s eyes softened as he saw the stubborn tilt of her chin. “I am counting on that, je talli .
    Tansy’s pulse jerked at the unfamiliar words. “What does that mean?”
    “You are my heart. Without you, I would not have a heart,” Mak replied reaching out to gently touch Tansy’s chest.
    Tansy shook her head, a deep frown darkening her face. “Do you really expect me to believe you? You just met me. How can I be your anything?”
    “I have known you for many, many weeks. It has taken that long for me to get permission to come to your world. I have also spent over a week with your friend Cosmos . He gave me this to give to you. He said he wanted it back ,” Mak corrected in a low tone as he pulled the pendant she had given Cosmos out and handed it to her . “The first time I saw your image I knew you belonged to me, forever , ” he added quietly.
    Tansy stared in silence at the huge alien male who suddenly seemed to be a permanent part of her life. Her heart beat out an erratic patterned until he touched her chest. She actually felt the moment when her heart slowed down to match his. In that instant, she knew that more than their hearts were beating as one.

Chapter 7
    “We have to return to the city. All available personnel have been requested to be present. I would bet all the money Boris Avilov has that it is about the warehouse,” Natasha said as she showed Tansy around the small farmhouse. “This belongs to my family. We visit here but do not live here full time any longer. Helene and I have made some improvements. There are weapons in the pantry here and an additional exit from the basement. Helene is showing Mak it now. I apologize that we cannot stay longer but we do not want to draw any suspicion to ourselves,” Natasha said as she pulled a false wall loose in the back of the pantry to show where numerous handguns and assault rifles hung.
    Tansy whistled under her breath at the impressive display of weapons. “You talk about me! These are some pretty exciting weapons you have,” Tansy muttered.
    Natasha smiled. “After what happened to our mother and brothers, Helene and I are rather careful about being prepared for any contingency.”
    Tansy nodded as she pulled a couple of Baikal IJ-70 Makarov pistols out. She quickly checked the chamber and clip before reaching for several additional clips. She would need to return to the pantry after she ate and rested. She liked the look of several of the knives.
    “I am glad you like what you see,” Natasha teased.
    “Natasha, we need to get going,” Helene called out as she came into the kitchen. “Sasha called. The boss is asking about us.”
    Natasha nodded before she turned and briefly studied Tansy. With a shrug, she pulled Tansy into her arms for a quick hug. “We owe you more than we can ever repay. Cosmos gave us your satellite phone number. We will contact you when we have additional information. Until then, rest. There are clothes in the bedroom that should fit you well enough.”
    Helene came over and gave Tansy a brief hug as well. “There is a Land Rover in the shed out back. The tunnel in the basement leads to it. Your man knows how to access everything. Stay inside as much as possible.”
    Tansy pulled back and looked at the two sisters who were regarding her with worry expressions on their faces. “Thank you for your help. You know that by

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