Tansy's Titan: Cosmos' Gateway Book 3

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Book: Tansy's Titan: Cosmos' Gateway Book 3 by S. E. Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. E. Smith
helping me you have put not only yourselves in danger but your family as well.”
    Helene waved her hand in the air nonchalantly. “Cosmos added additional security for our parents and brothers. Natasha and I are used to danger,” Helene said. “There is plenty of canned food for you. Get some rest.”
    Mak came into the kitchen where he towered above the three women. His eyes were glued to Tansy’s slight form. He had spent time outside checking over the perimeter of the property and listening to what Helene told him about the safeguards set up at the farm. Now, he only wanted the other two women to leave so he could concentrate on healing and caring for his mate. He didn’t like the dark shadows under her eyes or the lines of pain that still pulled at her mouth despite the pain patch he put on her. She needed rest.
    Mak moved to one side as the two women turned to leave. “You will not tell anyone of Tansy being here,” he ordered.
    Helene rolled her eyes while Natasha bit back a chuckle. “No, we will not tell anyone. We will call if we find out anything. In the meantime, take care of your woman. She needs rest.”
    Both women chuckled at Tansy’s snort of aggravation. Tansy watched as the two women walked out to the transport van and climbed in. She did not turn around until they had turned onto the main road. With a sigh, she pushed back her fatigue. She needed to check the house and surrounding area out for herself. She wouldn’t be able to relax until she knew what was in place and had covered every single possible entry and exit point.
    Turning, she ran into a huge muscular chest and a set of equally large arms. She looked up trying to not show her exasperation at the big man crowding her space. She was going to have to teach him there is a line as to how close he was to get to her. He was currently way over it on the wrong side.
    “Okay Mak, is it?” Tansy said taking a step back only to find herself trapped by the door. “Listen, we need to discuss this personal space invasion.”
    Mak tilted his head and looked down into the vibrant green eyes of his mate. “You need food, a bath, and bed,” he said. “I will fix you something to eat.”
    Tansy sighed heavily. “Yes, I agree I need all three but first I need to make sure we are safe. I am going to check out the perimeter of the property and the house before I do any of that. Once I feel we are safe, I’ll find something to eat, grab a quick shower and maybe catch a couple of hours of sleep.”
    “No,” Mak said crossing his arms and spreading his legs so Tansy was trapped.
    Tansy’s frown turned into a dark scowl. “I beg your pardon?” She bit out through gritted teeth.
    “No,” Mak repeated, ignoring the warning in Tansy’s eyes. “I have already checked the perimeter. It is secure. You will eat, bathe, and sleep.”
    “Mak, listen to me carefully,” Tansy said pointing a finger into his massive chest. “I don’t take orders from anyone. I haven’t in a long, long time. I will eat when I want, bathe when I want, and sleep when I want. You don’t want to make me mad at you. Understand? You won’t like me very much if you make me mad,” Tansy said making sure she emphasized each point carefully so there could be no misunderstandings.
    Mak unfolded his arms and caught Tansy’s small hand in his. “You are undernourished. You have dark circles under eyes from lack of sleep and I can see how exhausted you are. You also have dirt on your face and I need to check your injuries. I did what I could but I was not able to care for you properly,” Mak said gently rubbing his thumb over the back of her hand.
    Tansy bit back a curse as she jerked her hand away from his. Why the hell did it feel so good, so right whenever the big guy touched her? It was more than pissing her off. Emotions were dangerous. Caring for someone only got you killed, or worse, they got the person you cared about killed. She had to get it through his head that

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