Promise Me Forever
the boat she didn’t want to get out of bed. She didn’t remember how she got here but all she wanted to do was curl inside the warm sheets and sleep. “I can’t.”
    “It’s noon baby. I made you food.”
    “I’m afraid I can’t. I’m in love with my blanket and sheets and if I leave now I’ll lose their trust.”
    Jon laughed out loud. He leaned over the bed and gave her a slow kiss that curled her toes. She stretched and pulled him on top of her. “You’re welcome to join me in my cocoon here.”
    He grinned. “I’d love to but you’re covered in calamine lotion and I have to go to the urgent care center for a few hours.”
    Abby glanced under her covers. “Oh my, you’re right. Who rubbed this lotion all over me?” She looked at Jon with amusement.
    “Sorry to say, it wasn’t me. Your mom wouldn’t let anyone near you when we got you home. I carried you from the dock and your mom took you from there. You look much better.”
    “Where’s Margie and Elvin?”
    Jon stood up and paced back and forth as he threw a scrub shirt over his head. “I put them in the little cottage next door. There’s no way those thieves will enter this house.”
    Abby smiled. It was her exact thought the first time she saw them on her porch. “They’re not as bad as you think. Did mom and dad tell you what happened?” She sat up while Jon set a tray on her lap. He even had a small yellow flower in a tiny vase on the tray.
    “Danny told me how they forced the two thieves to change their ways and work for the agency at a much lower capacity. They put you in danger.”
    “They didn’t put me in danger, I did it to myself. I put them in worse danger when I went after the guy because they followed me. Too late I realized he was a dangerous man when he threatened to shoot Penny.”
    Jon sat down on the side of the bed. “Abby, do you know who that guy is?”
    “Yeah, he was a thief. Stole a bunch of money from the campground, but I’m sure there were other crimes or Mom and Dad wouldn’t waste their time to track him.”
    Jon placed a hand over hers. “He killed two agents, a woman and man about two weeks ago. He was on the run and desperate to scam as much money as he could to get away. They were friends of your parents.”
    She looked up at him. “A murderer!” A shiver went through her. “I would never have gone in the woods if I knew.”
    “Abby, this is why you can’t be running off to save the world. He may have shot you and Penny.” Jon stared in to her eyes, the hurt of the past like an open book. She realized in that moment what she would lose if she didn’t have him.
    “They showed up on my door and apologized. I forgave them and wanted to be a part of the sting. You know how I love to get involved.” She took her hand and placed it on his cheek. “I didn’t mean to cause you more pain. We’ve been through so much.”
    “I went to see my mother’s grave.”
    She stared at him and realized he seemed different. “What’s changed?”
    He kissed her softly on the lips. “I have, baby. The burdens of the past are over with. I can look back at that heaviness and leave it behind me. Jake and I both. The good news is we’ll tear down the old homestead and put up a vacation house for the whole family to enjoy. A special place to gather.”
    “Jon, I’m glad. It’s time to rest those ghosts of the past. I’ve also had time to think. If you don’t want to have a baby, then I understand. I’ll back off and wait because all I want right now is to have you love me.”
    “Hey.” He brushed her fallen tear from her cheek. “I want to be married to you and soon. Babies will come soon enough. I’m okay with having one or two or three.”
    She stared at him. “Are you sure?” she asked, afraid to let the air out of her lungs.
    He nodded. “As sure as I’ll ever be.” He cupped her chin and kissed her

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