Promise Me Forever
again. “You eat, I’ll let the others know you woke up and then I have to go to work for a few hours.”
    “Can I have you all to myself tonight?” she asked as she placed a forkful of food in her mouth.
    “In the hot tub?”
    “It’s a date.”
    Abby pushed the tray away and curled back underneath the sheets. She needed more rest because tonight would be busy. A wicked smile crossed her face as she drifted off to dreamland.

Chapter 7
    “It looks like your poison is healed up,” Abby’s mom said. She wiped down the breakfast counter while Abby sat on the stool and sipped a warm cup of coffee.
    “I’m so glad. I missed a night in the hot tub because I couldn’t go in with all this poison. So I went back to bed because Jon said he was going with Jake on the red eye. He had to do something important.”
    “I wouldn’t worry dear. These men, they never tell us anything.”
    “Mama! Daddy tells you everything. Besides, you take the bull by the horns if he doesn’t and make things happen yourself. I saw how you operate too many times in the past few months.”
    She turned and stared at Abby. “Do you wonder now where you get it from?” she smiled, her own wicked one that made Abby giggle.
    “I wonder where Jon went last night? He said he’d be home later today.”
    Her mom shrugged. “All I heard him say was he couldn’t move on if he didn’t take care of one minor detail. It seemed important to him. Did I tell you Maggie called? She wants to know when you want Jax to start his training?”
    Abby picked up the phone. “I’ll give her a call. I’d say today is as good as any.” The women spent the day going over how Jax was going to be trained. At first Abby didn’t feel like doing any training but then decided it was time to get back to business. She couldn’t let something beat her. Yes, she was heartbroken about Kevin, but there were countless other children alive and in need of love, and now that she was home and back to normal, she needed to once again help others who needed uplifted.
    “I wonder when the guys will return?” Abby mentioned before Maggie went back home.
    “Not sure, but I hope early. Did I tell you I’ve been doing some cooking Abby? It’s amazing how much fun I’m having. I never cooked before, my life was writing.”
    Abby gave her friend a hug. “I’m glad. You spend way too much time alone. You need to let Jake know so he comes home early.”
    Maggie sighed. “There’s the problem. He’s so busy at work and then he comes home so late, I’m in bed. Sometimes he’s still on the sofa sleeping upright when I get up in the morning. He needs to slow down.”
    “I thought your trip to your Mom’s house in the Poconos changed all those late nights away?”
    “So did I. Look, I have to go. How long do you think you’ll need Jax this time?”
    “He can stay overnight. He’ll have fun hanging out with Maggie. She thinks she’s his mother.” When Maggie left, Abby went outside with the two dogs to begin Jax’s training. He was a smart dog, she didn’t think it would take too long to train him. It would be nice to have another dog along to do tricks with at the local hospice.
    Abby waved to her parents as the sailboat left the docks once again. This time the two were headed towards Miami to meet up with old friends. They loved it in the city since they spent a major part of the last few years there. She cherished her time with them even more since those other agents got killed. Even though it was a risky business, she never gave a thought that her parents were in harms way every time they went on a mission.
    It seemed easier to believe they were super hero’s and would be back with the sailboat at her dock again. She wanted to believe nothing could ever stop them. Abby smiled and hugged herself. What could be better than this life she lived?
    Both dogs went wild when they

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