Were Slave (2010)

Free Were Slave (2010) by Lia Slater

Book: Were Slave (2010) by Lia Slater Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lia Slater
wet finger found
her anus again. Slowly, he pushed past the incredibly taut entrance. Just an
inch but her pussy spasmed blissfully at the bold move. "Oh, God, Mace, what
are you doing?" Whatever he was doing sent a ripple of joyous sensations
through her womb. She sucked in a breath as wave after wave of sensation rolled
down her thighs.
    "Giving you pleasure. Do you like this?"
    She nodded, unable to speak.
    "Yes, that's the way, love. You're loosening for me
already." He began to work his cock into her pussy in slow rhythm as his finger
penetrated her ass, stretching her, shocking her.
    She'd never thought she'd enjoy a man's touch there, in such
a personal place, but she put her trust in Mace and he wasn't disappointing
her. Her juices trickled down the inside of her legs as his slick thick shaft
moved in and out of her channel, deep and slow. The steady movement along with
his finger in her intimate, sensitive hole sent a warm tingling wash from her
chin to her toes. She held tight to the railing, afraid she'd fall over.
    "Let go, love. I've got you." Mace strengthened his arm
around her, encompassing her completely.
    Nayla sighed at the thought of his strength, how he could
give her such immense pleasure and keep her on her feet at the same time. How
she could trust him with her body. All of her body.
    She cried out his name into the night air as another surge
of heat rolled through her. "Mace. Oh, God, Yes!"
    He groaned. "Good, that's good. Scream my name to the
heavens, love. Let them know you're mine."
    Her body jolted as the climax spiraled and twisted,
careening to the tips of her toes and back to her core, where it exploded into
a million sparkles of heat. Her mind was fuzzy and her body weak with spent
pleasure. "Come in me, Mace," she whispered. "I'm yours."
    "And I am yours, Nayla." He removed his finger and braced
her hips again, thrusting deep into her until he groaned again and released his
hot cum inside of her quivering pussy. It spurted deep, filling her sensitive
    "Oh," she gasped at the wonderfully intimate sensation and
leaned her head back against his chest.
    Their combined breathing and the distant sound of laughter
and music were the only sounds in the air. Mace gathered her limp body tight
against him and kissed her cheek. He was still buried hard inside of her,
giving her delightful aftershocks.
    "Do you see them now, love?" he whispered in her ear. "They
wait for us."
    She opened her eyes wide as his words soaked in. Just beyond
the exterior walls of the castle, right before the forest began, a dozen pair
of glowing eyes watched them.

Chapter Seven
    Mace made quick work of washing up, then dressing, jerking
on his pants and linen shirt. Nayla's paralyzed state of shock wouldn't last
long, he was sure. She sat on the edge of her bed and stared at him with her
forehead wrinkled and her lips parted, her palms braced on her knees.
    He was glad she didn't fight him yet. After she fully
realized his plan for her, it would be a different story. He would be taking
her from her home, her friends, her country. Away from this comfortable life
with servants and guards and into a life as a homeless drifter, out in the
rugged elements.
    As of this moment, he made an oath, swearing to himself he'd
find some land and build her a worthy home. They'd be a family. She'd bear his
children. Nothing else mattered as long as she was with him.
    His actions were both selfish and necessary. He couldn't
leave her here with her own councilman threatening to murder her. How many more
wished to see her gone?
    His other reasons were less transparent. Nayla had imbedded
herself deep in his heart, he couldn't deny. The sting of seeing her dance with
her ex-lover had reinforced his feelings. Leaving her behind wasn't an option.
    "Mace?" Her soft voice gained his attention.
    He wrung out a wet cloth in the basin and brought it to her,
taking note of her puzzled stare.
    "You have to tell me what's going on."

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