Journey to the Highlands: Robbie and Caralyn (Clan Grant Series Book 4)

Free Journey to the Highlands: Robbie and Caralyn (Clan Grant Series Book 4) by Keira Montclair

Book: Journey to the Highlands: Robbie and Caralyn (Clan Grant Series Book 4) by Keira Montclair Read Free Book Online
Authors: Keira Montclair
blushed and a queer expression crossed her face.
    Fear. Robbie had seen it. She was afraid of her husband. He stared at her, willing her to lift her gaze, but she wouldn’t. Darkness crept across her face, the most beautiful face he had ever seen, and he suddenly realized what had caused the change. Her husband had a tight grip on her thumb and was bending it backwards. Robbie grabbed hold of his arm and twisted. “Do you always treat your wife with such care, Murray? Release her.”
    Murray gritted his teeth. “I don’t know what your game is, Captain, but she is my wife. I will do as I please with her. Do not ever look at her again if you value your life.” He spun on his heel and tugged Caralyn behind him.
    She turned her head back to Robbie and mouthed the words, “Help me.”
    They disappeared out the door.
    Robbie headed for the door instantly, beckoning to Tomas. “Now. We’re following, and if we get the chance, I’ll steal her away tonight.”
    Tomas caught up with him by the stables. As soon as they caught sight of Murray, the two of them held back.
    “Slud, he has five men with him,” Tomas said. “You’ll never get her tonight. That’s six to two.” He mounted his horse, but pranced in a circle rather than moving forward.
    Robbie mounted his own horse. “Aye, there are too many around because of the festivities,” he said. “But we can still discover where she lives.”

    Chapter Eleven
    “Now do you wish to tell me the truth about Captain Grant, my love?” Malcolm Murray had brought her back to his keep.
    She knew he was angry, but she was unsure of why. He knew nothing.
    “Why does he know you? Why does he ask about you?” He grasped her and tightened his grip, his fingers biting into the tender flesh of her underarm.
    They stood in his chamber, the door latched. She hated when he was angry. He didn’t know how to control his temper and he usually took it out on her.
    “Tell me!” He jerked her closer until she was a mere inch from his face.
    “He’s the one,” she whispered. Oh, how she wished he could be the only male in her life. He was the only one to have treated her with any kindness, the only one who seemed to care about her at all.
    “The one who saved me from the Norseman. I told you about the man who punched me and tried to put me onto his galley.” Tears misted in her eyes, but she tried not to lose control. “Captain Grant stopped him.”
    “So you were with him?” A familiar fury filled Malcolm’s gaze.
    “Nay, not like that. The Norseman knocked me out. When I awoke, I was in a tent in a camp full of Highland warriors.”
    “And he went back to find my daughters and then took me to the priory.”
    “Did you have relations with him? Did you give my goods away for free? Or did you charge him?”
    “Nay, I didn’t.”
    He dropped her arm and slapped her cheek. Her hand came up to defend herself from his brutality.
    “Men do not follow a woman around like that unless they have tasted her. Did you let him taste you? Did you?”
    “Nay! I didn’t do anything. My ankle was swollen; my face was all bruised and cut. I had open wounds all over my body from being dragged across the stones. You saw my wounds. I was in too much pain to even think about such a thing.”
    “You lie.” He tossed her onto the bed. “You lie and you will pay for this. Never.” He bent down and put his finger in her face. “Never let another man touch you unless I tell you to.”
    He grabbed his mantle and headed for the door.
    Caralyn jumped out of the bed. “Where are you going? Please, my girls. Don’t hurt them. This had naught to do with them.” She rubbed her palm across her sore cheek.
    He stopped at the door and turned, his hand still on the latch. “You will pay for this. You thought I would let you see them in a sennight? Absolutely not. You will not see your daughters until the next moon. Try and cuckold me again.” Malcolm stalked out and

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