Being Zolt

Free Being Zolt by D. L. Raver

Book: Being Zolt by D. L. Raver Read Free Book Online
Authors: D. L. Raver
you about Chris’s laptop.”
    “Oh.” My heart skipped a nervous beat. T-bone had obviously recovered the laptop’s password, and now it was my turn.
    “T-bone found a video you need to see.”
    I cringed and let out a long sigh. This was good in one sense. I’d be able to do something useful to help them with recovering Kenna. But it didn’t lessen the sudden need I had to puke. Whatever Chris had to tell me would not be sunshine and teddy bears.
    “Okay. I’ll do it tomorrow. But for the rest of the night, can we just forget about all of this?”
    “Yes. Absolutely.” Zolt reached for the bottle containing my Ambien. He shook one into his palm and handed it to me.
    I smiled at him and popped the tiny pill into my mouth, and then took a sip of water from the bottle Zolt held out for me.
    “Thank you.” I gave him back the water and settled under the sheet. I was exhausted on all fronts and ready to sleep in Zolt’s bed with his arms wrapped around me.
    He snuggled next to me, pulling me into his strong embrace. Spooned tightly against him, I fell into a deep, restful sleep.

The next morning, Zolt and I fed each other fresh fruit while I sat on his lap in the kitchen. The juice of a strawberry dribbled off his lips, and I greedily licked it off.
    “Mmm,” I moaned in delight. I leaned in and nibbled on his earlobe, making him squirm. Then, I proceeded to tell him where else I wanted to lick, and how I was dying to use my mouth and tongue on his hard cock.
    He let out a low, guttural moan of need, which made me wet and needy.
    Being with Zolt had turned me into a wanton and wild woman, and I loved it. I felt sexy and desirable. I’d finally grown into my skin as a woman. Having a man love and cherish you changed everything.
    I nibbled his earlobe again, and then ran the tip of my tongue behind his ear, sucking on a spot I knew drove him crazy.
    “Irelyn,” he growled. “If you don’t stop that, I’m going to clear this table and fuck you on it, and I won’t care if Brody catches us.”
    Ignoring his warning, I continued my way down his neck to his jawline, until I finally landed at my intended destination. I savaged his mouth with mine, unable to restrain myself.
    Zolt took hold of my ponytail and pulled my head back, breaking our kiss.
    I grumbled at the loss of contact, and I pouted my lips.
    “It won’t work.” Zolt glanced at me discerningly, arching a brow.
    “What?” I answered sheepishly.
    “You’re stalling, Irelyn, hoping that I’ll forget about Chris’s video; I won’t. We need to do this.”
    I sighed out my resignation, knowing he was right. But it was more than apprehension that kept me from seeing the video message Chris had left. Fear with its nasty, invading tentacles had gripped me. I didn’t want to return to where I’d been right after his death.
    “Talk to me, baby. The wheels are spinning in your head. I can tell, by the way, your pupils have dilated that you’re freaking. Why?” He tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear, and I closed my eyes, reveling in his touch.
    “I’m afraid,” I said and opened my eyes.
    “I can see that.”
    “Not afraid of what he’ll say exactly but more afraid of my reaction.”
    Zolt embraced me, and I leaned my head on his shoulder.
    “I didn’t do well after his death. For over a week, I retreated into myself, too freaked out to even go to the funeral.”
    Zolt didn’t say anything, but his strong hold on me and the love I felt from him told me everything, and I continued.
    “I still haven’t seen his grave. I know I should, but I can’t bring myself to. I guess that’s why I didn’t look at his laptop until now. It took me over six months to get in the Mustang. During that time is when I let Marcus in, and when my parents tightened their hold on me, treating me like a child instead of a grown woman. I know I need to see the message. It’s important for Kenna and for me. The worst part of this is it comes from an

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