Fair Game Inc (2010)

Free Fair Game Inc (2010) by Stephanie Bedwell-Grime

Book: Fair Game Inc (2010) by Stephanie Bedwell-Grime Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephanie Bedwell-Grime
himself, she was rapidly becoming a necessity to the harmonious existence of Grayson Charles.
    Roger, if he knew, would die laughing at the irony of it all.
    But as he maneuvered the Mercedes through the busy evening traffic, Grayson found business to be the last thing on his mind. His traitorous thoughts kept straying into other possibilities.
    What was she like away from the office? He couldnAEt help wondering. Did the consummate professional Ms. Shaw own anything that wasnAEt a power suit? Did the contents of her closet include a pair of beat up blue jeans? Was there a frayed old teddy bear hiding in a box in her storage locker like an ugly secret?
    oWhat are you smiling about?o
    Grayson jerked back to the present. No, stuffed toys certainly werenAEt Amber ShawAEs style.
    oI was just thinking about the last time we were here,o he said, turning the car into the parking lot.
    She glanced over at him, her expression guarded. oAnd youAEre laughing?o
    oIn retrospect it was funny.o
    oI donAEt recall you thinking so at the time.o
    oI seem to have rediscovered my sense of humor.o He held the door open for her, wondering if sheAEd glare in return for his chivalrous gesture. She offered him a smile of thanks.
    oMaybe Roger was right about you working too hard. ItAEs not good for you.o
    oIAEm sure Roger will be delighted to hear you thought well of him,o Grayson said as they followed the hostess to their table.
    Right or wrong, he was determined to forget about work tonight. As soon as he got that one detail out of the way, the rest of the night was his. He intended to spend it on pleasure.
    A warm breeze stirred the candles in spite of the lateness of the season. Piano music drifted across the terrace. Only the crimson leaves drifting down onto the terra-cotta tile from neighboring maples betrayed the truth. Another few weeks and the trees would be bare, but if she closed her eyes, Amber could believe it was still July and the incident last time she visited The Terrace had never happened.
    Candlelight added golden highlights to GraysonAEs dark curls. Tips of flames reflected in the dark depths of his eyes. A woman could get lost in the intensity of his gaze. A woman could be lured into a false sense of security by his attentiveness, his quiet humor. Why this man? Had the circumstances been different, she might laugh at the irony of it all.
    oWhen is John Barlow coming back to work?o Amber asked as the busboy cleared away the last of their dinner dishes.
    oWithin the next few days.o Grayson dumped a lump of sugar into his coffee and stirred it. oWhy do you ask?o
    oI got the feeling he didnAEt like me.o Amber stopped short of revealing sheAEd eavesdropped on their entire conversation.
    oHe didnAEt even meet you, Amber. What makes you so sure?o
    She shrugged and contemplated the menu of fattening deserts. oA hunch. IAEm good at reading people.o She decided to pass up a slice of the sinfully chocolate layer cake.
    oI suppose it comes with the territory.o
    oLawyers must develop a sixth sense for people as well. You know, who really did it, and whoAEs innocent.o
    oIt isnAEt my job to judge their souls, Amber.o
    oThe ones with tarnished souls are obvious to me.o
    Grayson tipped back his head and laughed heartily. oAnd what about me? Is my soul tarnished?o
    AmberAEs eyes narrowed across the flame between them. oIAEm reserving judgment about you.o
    oReally? IAEm not guilty as charged?o
    oSentence hasnAEt yet been passed.o
    oLucky me. I guess IAEd better be on my best behavior.o
    He reached between them, taking the glass of ice water the waitress had just refilled and moved it to his side of the table. oI think IAEll keep this over here, just in case.o
    oRelax, IAEve changed my modus operandi.o
    Grayson shook his head. oI do have to hand it to you, Amber. No one I know could have made a business of such a strange specialty.o
    Amber felt herself blushing and hoped the darkness covered it. oActually, I was a dismal success as a private

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