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Book: SoloPlay by Miranda Baker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Miranda Baker
time they had been speaking, hard while he downloaded the directions for the BodyVibe remote and refreshed his memory. He was hard now, because her upswept, blond hair, barely there lipstick and modest dress made her look hotter than any fuck-me lingerie he’d ever seen on any woman. Sologirl totally tripped his switch and he wanted her.
    Her help , he corrected himself.
    He needed her help with the DoublePlay line, and maybe after a few BodyVibe-assisted orgasms, she’d be so hooked on the concept that she would be willing to continue testing products with another partner. He could just barely rationalize doing this with her tonight because they had BodyVibe and a table length between them. However, he had two dozen prototypes for the DoublePlay line, and none of the rest of them operated by remote control. Nope, they were all very hands-on, one hundred percent up close and personal, and he couldn’t test the rest of the line with her without jeopardizing his company and risking the wrath of his lawyers.
    She had to find another partner. That was all there was to it. The thought made his stomach clench, so he took a sip of wine and focused on her. “You look beautiful tonight.” He admired the lush curve of her breasts under the high neckline of her dress. Her nipples were visible through the fabric, even through the electrodes he knew she was wearing.
    She smiled but said nothing.
    “Do you like the wine?” he asked. “They keep a case of this Chardonnay in their wine cellar for me. It’s my favorite.” God, he hated small talk. This was why he didn’t date. Mark kept drinking.
    Alisa wasn’t sure whether to roll her eyes or be impressed. The guy was such a player that he kept a case of wine on ice at the most popular restaurant in Norton? Puh-lease. She thought about excusing herself to go to the bathroom and then calling a taxi, but she knew it was just nerves. And arousal. The BodyVibe stimulators were tucked firmly into place and she’d given him the remote in the car.
    His prediction this afternoon had been correct. Her pussy was already sweating, swelling, anticipating. Before he even began. It added to her excitement that he was looking at her as if he could read her X-rated thoughts. His ice-blue eyes made her feel deliciously exposed, and his lethal combination of square jaw, hard body and cool expression did things to her body. Her nipples were already hard and her mouth was dry. No man had ever made her feel this way.
    He set his menu on the table. “Having second thoughts?”
    Alisa shook her head slowly.
    The waiter arrived. She had no idea what she ordered.
    Mark pulled the remote out of the breast pocket of his jacket and set it on the table in front of him. It looked remarkably like a cell phone, perfectly appropriate on the elegant table.
    Alisa’s heart began to pound. She wanted to snatch the remote off the table and use it to quell the ache between her thighs. Instead, she shifted on the banquette, recrossed her legs, wiggled a bit to rub the clit-cup against her mound. The right side of his mouth lifted briefly in a knowing half smile.
    “Oh no you don’t, Sologirl. No cheating.”
    She froze, amazed by the gush of juice in her pussy that his words caused. She wasn’t sure what turned her on more, sitting here in this quiet restaurant secretly wired for sex or the fact that he knew she wanted it. She loved to delay her pleasure, draw it out, wait until she knew that her orgasm would be spectacular. She liked to control when it happened, how hard, how much, how many. Apparently, she liked to let someone else control her pleasure too, because her body was clearly on board with this kinky scene.
    Mark palmed the remote, drew it into his lap. “I’ll give it to you, don’t worry. You’ll get it. You want a little taste?”
    He sent one strong vibration straight to her clit. Even though she was primed for it, she jumped. It was hard to keep from crying out. She

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