
Free SoloPlay by Miranda Baker

Book: SoloPlay by Miranda Baker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Miranda Baker
for her, and she wasn’t going to get a better opportunity to find out. He was perfect.
    As the last wave of her orgasm receded, doubt quickly set in. She swallowed, forcing saliva down her dry throat, and washed her hands.
    Oh God. Could she really do it? It had seemed like a brilliant idea ten minutes ago, when her body had been begging for release. Now that she was in a more sane state, she was having second thoughts.
    Mark Winters did not look harmless. He was big. The body under that dark suit looked hard and strong. Clearly, he was a little twisted. What if she had just made a dinner date with a psycho killer?
    She took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. She tugged her skirt straight. Crystal had sent Mark Winters to her at the exact moment she had been looking for a date, and she didn’t believe in coincidence. Not so long ago, Crystal had promised to find her a Prince Charming. At the time, Alisa had thought she was just trying to let her down easy. Now, here he came, waltzing in the door of the library, talking dirty and making it sound like poetry. If he came with Crystal’s seal of approval, then he wasn’t a psycho killer. Crystal would know . Plus, she had known Mark for months, albeit only through e-mail.
    What did she have to lose? A paycheck? Her dignity? This was the perfect chance to try it on with a man again. If he wanted her to work for DoublePlay bad enough to beg for her help, then he would have a vested interest in her pleasure. She could practice telling him how to please her, and she wouldn’t have to worry about how he felt about it or whether the information would come back to haunt her. His interest was professional, not personal. After they both got what they wanted, they’d go their separate ways and she’d know how to tell a man what she needed in bed. Everyone would win.
    Alisa returned to her desk, typed in her address and hit send before she could change her mind. A few minutes later Beth dropped into her swivel chair and triumphantly tossed a book onto the desk.
    “You found it. Nice work,” Alisa said.
    “Nice work, yourself. Did you drag that massively hot guy into the stacks and jump on him or what?”
    “Of course not.” Alisa blushed. “I’m going to make him buy me dinner first.”
    Beth whooped and then clapped a hand over her mouth. “Seriously?” she whispered. “Tonight?”
    Alisa nodded. “I’ll give you all the details tomorrow morning.”
    “You better.” Beth grinned, then turned back to her screen.
    After work and a long, hot shower, the moment of truth arrived. She pulled BodyVibe out of her underwear drawer. Just the sight of it made her pussy twitch. Could she actually put it on? Hand over the remote? Sit in a restaurant and do things that should get her arrested? With a man who was all but a stranger to her? A familiar heat began to build in the pit of her belly.
    Oh, yes.

Chapter Eight
    Mark looked at Alisa sitting primly across the table in her classy black dress. Underneath the smooth fabric, he knew she was wearing BodyVibe because she had given him the remote when he picked her up, along with a small smile that all but dared him to use it. He hadn’t felt this nervous on a date since prom night when he had employed every bit of the manual dexterity he possessed to avoid sticking that stupid pin with the pearl on it into his finger, or worse, his date’s smooth, freckled shoulder. The BodyVibe remote in his pocket felt like a loaded gun.
    Just once, he promised himself. Just BodyVibe. And only to see if it could be cross-promoted in the new line. He had spent the afternoon trying to convince himself he was doing this for his company. The success of DoublePlay depended on Sologirl. His employees and his customers depended on him. He was being selfless, a martyr, even.
    Yeah, right. More like his cock was depending on him.
    He’d been hard from the minute he’d seen her nameplate on the Formica desk in the library, hard the whole

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