
Free Djinn by Laura Catherine

Book: Djinn by Laura Catherine Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Catherine
eyes were locked on my unconscious father. I lunged at him but he tossed me aside like a doll. The blow winded me, and I could hardly breathe or move. Pyke raised the spike up ready to strike and I was frozen in place, literally, the power of Pyke rendering my feet useless.
    The boy swooped in and grabbed Pyke's arm before he could strike.
    "Don't do it, Pyke!" he shouted through gritted teeth.
    Pyke struggled against him, but the other boy was clearly stronger.
    "Let me go, Will," Pyke demanded. "I have to."
    This Will character twisted the ice from Pyke's hand and held him in a headlock. Why did Pyke want to kill Dad so badly?
    "I won't let you do it," Will said. "Calm down and stick with the mission."
    Pyke struggled, but Will wouldn't give an inch. Eventually, Pyke had no choice but to give in.
    Will released Pyke, who fell to his knees. The ice around my legs receded into water.
    He glanced over at Mia who was beginning to stir again.
    "You good?" he asked.
    Mia had a half-confused, half-angered look in her eyes.
    "I'll be fine," she said, standing up.
    "Grab Kyra."
    I wanted to move, but my legs just wouldn't work, or maybe it was the mud slicking me to the ground like glue. Either way, I was frozen in place. Mia glanced down at me with burning fury.
    "Get up," she said.
    I couldn't move, so she bent down and lifted me to my feet. She pulled my arms behind my back, enough so it hurt a little. I winced and looked to Dad, his eye already swollen and his lip cut deep.
    "It's okay, kiddo. I love you," he said and I wanted to cry.
    The boy punched Dad in the jaw, knocking him unconscious. I watched as his body fell to the ground. I'd never seen Dad like that before, bruised, bloodied and helpless. I thought with all the training he'd put me through no one could beat him, like he was untouchable.
    He was supposed to be untouchable.
    "Dad!" I screamed, hoping he would wake up and we could still get out of this mess.
    I struggled against the Mia's grip but she only twisted my arm more.
    "Mia, you're hurting her," the boy said.
    I was surprised at how sincere he sounded and it reminded me of our moment in the mud.
    "Relax, Will," Pyke said. "We have to be careful with this one. She's got fighting skills."
    "Ivan requested she not be hurt," Will replied. He didn't look at me. In fact, I'm pretty sure he was avoiding my gaze all together.
    "I agree with Pyke," Mia said. "She needs to be hurt a little."
    "You won't hurt her," Will ordered in an authoritative tone. "Either of you."
    "I don't want to hurt her," Pyke said, glancing back down at Dad, but Will gave him a warning look.
    "She cut my face, Will!" Mia pointed to the still bleeding slice on her cheek. "My face!"
    "If you ask me, it's an improvement," Pyke said, and even I wanted to hit him.
    "No one asked you!" Mia snapped.
    "Enough!" Will said. "We got what we came for, it's time to go."
    "What about him?" Pyke gestured to Dad with a disgusted nod of his head. "Let's kill him."
    They stared down at Dad contemplating his death and a sudden panic overtook my body.
    "No!" I shouted. "You can't. Please, I'll go with you, just don't hurt him!"
    Mia pulled me back like I was a dog on a lead. "Darling, you don't really have a choice whether you come with us or not."
    I tried to tear my body from Mia's iron grip, ignoring all the pain it was causing me. I couldn't let them kill my dad. I still didn't understand why they wanted to; none of this made any sense.
    "Stop struggling," Pyke said, his eye catching mine. "Trust us, you'll want us to kill him when you find out—"
    "Quiet, Pyke!" Will snapped. "Ivan requested—"
    "Oooh, Ivan requested," Pyke imitated with a mock high-pitched voice.
    "Grow up." Mia rolled her eyes.
    "Ivan wanted to tell her. We are only supposed to retrieve her," Will said, in a tone that implied it wasn't the first time.
    "Please," I begged, wishing they would just listen. "Don't kill my dad. Please!"
    I tried to lock eyes with Will, as he was clearly the

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