Love Will Find a Way

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Book: Love Will Find a Way by Barri Bryan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barri Bryan
feeling of well being.
    Kevin lowered his menu and smiled. “Four months. You should try the catfish. It's delicious."
    "Four months!” Emily was flabbergasted. “Good heavens, Kevin, you can't be in love with someone you've known only four months."
    "Yes I can. I am.” Kevin laid his menu aside. “I'm having the catfish."
    Emily's overactive imagination began to conjure up visions of some femme fatale who had led her son right down the garden path. “How old is this woman?"
    He hung his head. “Almost nineteen."
    "Almost nineteen,” Emily echoed. “That means she's only eighteen years old. Eighteen is a child!"
    Kevin reminded her, “You were eighteen when you married Dad."
    "Then maybe you should listen to the voice of experience.” A waiter appeared from nowhere to take Emily's order. She chose a seafood salad and waited as Kevin, after some indecision, ordered catfish. As the waiter hurried away, she picked up the threads of their conversation. “I know now that I should have given myself more time to grow up before I jumped into marriage."
    "Maturity is not a matter of age, Mom,” Kevin argued in true attorney fashion, “it's a matter of experience and background. Stacy is mature."
    It was not Stacy's maturity or lack of it that concerned Emily at the moment. Kevin was far too emotionally immature to be thinking about marriage. “I don't want you to rush into something you will regret later."
    "Like you regret now that you married Dad?"
    "I don't regret marrying your dad. We had some good years together.” She didn't want to talk about her failed marriage to her son, or to anyone else for that matter. “Maybe you should give yourself more time."
    Kevin frowned. “I thought you would be happy for me."
    The waiter reappeared with a tray of food. Not caring if he heard, Emily answered, “I am happy for you.” Reaching across the table she patted his hand. “Tell me about your Stacy."
    Kevin's frown vanished. “As I was saying, she's almost nineteen. She's a student at City Business College. I met her through a mutual friend. It was love at first sight for both of us."
    Emily's appetite had diminished and was threatening to disappear. “Does Stacy have a family?"
    "Yes. I've only met them once, but they're very nice. I want you to meet them, too, and so does Stacy. And she's dying to meet you."
    Emily tried to match his enthusiasm. “Perhaps I should call Stacy's mother."
    "Stacy's mother is dead.” Kevin dumped catsup over his catfish. “She lives with her father and her two younger sisters."
    Emily asked, “Would you like me to invite them to the house some evening?” She couldn't shake a feeling of apprehension.
    "You're really being nice about this, Mom.” Kevin said between bites. “I was afraid you'd give me a bad time.” He touched his napkin to his lips. “Stacy and I have talked about introducing our families to each other. We think it would be best if my family came to her home. Can we set a date for sometime this week? I'd like to do it before Larry leaves for college."
    Why did she feel she was being manipulated? “I have to know a few days in advance. I have so many evening commitments. Going out requires some planning."
    Without a moment's hesitation, Kevin asked, “How about next Tuesday evening?"
    Emily nodded. “I could manage that. I don't know about Larry."
    "I've already talked to Larry.” Kevin's relief was evident. “Tuesday is fine for him."
    "Oh?” Emily lifted an eyebrow. So her sons were co-conspirators in this little scheme.
    "Larry knows Stacy.” Kevin's voice gained momentum. “They went to high school together. He thinks Stacy and I were made for each other."
    "Larry thinks anything you do is perfect.” Emily pushed her salad away. “You're his big brother."
    "And I don't take that lightly,” Kevin assured her. “I'm not much of a role model, but I guess I'll have to do now that he has no father."
    Emily protested. “Larry does have a father. He sees

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