Love Will Find a Way

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Authors: Barri Bryan
Dad every other weekend."
    "We're talking about role models, Mom.” Kevin snorted his disapproval. “Not middle-aged playboys."
    Emily was appalled that her older son would even think such a thing, let alone voice that opinion. “I hope you haven't been saying things like this to Larry."
    "I don't have to tell Larry how I feel about the old man, he knows."
    Emily supposed that it was an ill wind that blew no good. Their parents’ divorce had brought Larry and Kevin closer together. She had promised herself that she wouldn't interfere with Robert's relationship with his sons. She tactfully changed the subject. “Shouldn't you give me Stacy's address?"
    "Larry knows the way.” Kevin couldn't hide his elation. “You can ride over with him."
    "I may have to drive directly from work."
    "She lives at 241 Oakdale Drive. That's over in Northern Heights.” Kevin scribbled the address on a napkin. “It's the house behind the Oakdale Baptist Church.” He handed Emily the napkin. “Stacy's dad is the Reverend Dennis Morrison."
    "Stacy's father is a minister?” Emily couldn't keep the surprise out of her voice.
    "Does that bother you?” Kevin asked.
    "No.” Emily couldn't believe that her son who had always been, to say the least, on the wild side, would look twice at a minister's daughter, let alone contemplate spending the rest of his life with her. “Not if it doesn't bother you."
    "It did, at first.” Kevin admitted hesitantly.
    "And now?"
    "Is this some kind of third degree?” A note of agitation sounded through Kevin's bantering tone. Emily got the message. It said, don't intrude.
    "I look forward to meeting Stacy and her father and her sisters.” She tried to sound pleased. “I have to go. Larry will be home and wondering where I am."
    Kevin helped her from her chair. “Mom, be happy for me."
    "I am, Kevin. Truly, I am."
    "Then sound like it. I'll see you Tuesday evening.” He gave her arm a pat before saying good-bye.
    Emily told herself she was worrying needlessly; but that little prod of apprehension wouldn't go away. Even from her skewed point of view, Kevin seemed an unlikely candidate for marriage. And to a minister's daughter who was only eighteen years old? The next day over lunch, Emily voiced her misgivings to Thad, who listened patiently and then suggested that she adopt a wait and see attitude. “Sometimes those things that loom largest on the horizon of the future never come to pass."
    Good advice, Emily decided, but she had trouble following it. Doubts kept cropping up at the oddest times and in the most unlikely places, like the following Friday evening.
    Emily was standing in the midst of a group of chattering people, holding a wineglass in her hand, when she found her mind wandering back to her last conversation with Kevin. He seemed to have no qualms at all about what the future might hold. Maybe that was the problem. How could any human being be that sure about anything?
    "Emily, I've been looking for you.” Lee Morgan's voice brought her back to the present. He had pushed his way through the group of people and was standing beside her. “There's someone here I want you to meet.” He took her arm.
    They were half way across the floor, threading their way through the crowd, when Emily saw the profile of a tall man standing near the door. She sucked in her breath. “That's Robert."
    "Who's Robert?” Lee slowed his advance.
    Emily fought to control her emotions. “Robert is my ex-husband. He's here."
    "This is a cocktail party given by the Greater Chamber of Commerce.” Lee was once more moving through the crowd with Emily in tow. “Almost anybody could be here."
    Emily nodded to the couple Lee introduced and made small talk. She asked all the appropriate questions and gave satisfactory answers. As quickly as possible she excused herself and found a chair in a corner. Could it be a coincidence that Robert was here? Since she had seen him in the restaurant almost a month ago, she had

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