Love Will Find a Way

Free Love Will Find a Way by Barri Bryan

Book: Love Will Find a Way by Barri Bryan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barri Bryan
asunder? “You're forgiven.” It was a lie. She didn't know if she could ever forgive him.
    "Just like that.” The air cracked with the snapping of his fingers. “Do you have any idea what I'm asking forgiveness for?"
    She didn't. Her puzzled look must have said as much. “Does it matter?"
    His voice became strident. “It matters to me."
    Emily didn't want to have this conversation. “I'm not talking about differences.” She glanced over his shoulder toward the front door and safety. “I have to go."
    "Then you name the time and the place.” Determination was etched in every line of his face. “When can I see you?"
    "I don't want to see you.” She would never heal if her ex-husband kept showing up, intent on probing old wounds. “I have nothing to discuss with you."
    "So you haven't forgiven me? Maybe you never will.” His voice was resigned. “Maybe you can't."
    Leaning back in her chair, she sighed. “What are you trying to tell me?"
    His jaw tightened. “I didn't think you could make it without my financial assistance."
    Her eyes widened in surprise. “I'm managing quite well, thank you."
    "I know that—now.” He took a quick sip of coffee. “Call it conceit, call it stupidity, but that's what I believed. I underestimated you in so many ways. I'm sorry."
    She should have known his apology was nothing more than another attempt to ease his guilty conscience. “You can stop feeling guilty. I can make it on my own."
    "So I observed. I'm also surprised at how soon you replaced me with another man.” A touch of bitterness edged his voice. “You deserve better than Thad Thackery."
    "You don't even know Thad."
    "I know his reputation.” Robert turned his cup around in its saucer. “You could get hurt, Emily."
    Why did he insist on intruding into her life when he had deliberately driven her from his? “It wouldn't be the first time.” She grabbed her handbag and jumped to her feet. “I have to go."
    "It's hopeless, isn't it?” Robert asked on a sigh.
    She had no idea what he was referring to and at this point, she couldn't afford to ask. “Completely.” She left without looking back.
    Once in her office, Emily was able to put the incident from her mind. She worked steadily through the afternoon. By five o'clock, her monthly reports were completed. She was putting the last one into a folder when a knock on the door brought her head up. Kevin stood in the doorway, “Hi, Mom."
    "Kevin! What a pleasant surprise. Come in. I was about to call it a day."
    "Are you free for dinner?” He leaned against the doorframe and smiled down at her.
    "As a matter of fact, I am. Larry is having dinner with the Carsons."
    "Good. I have some news for you.” When she lifted an eyebrow he added, “Some good news."
    "You got the promotion!” Emily exclaimed.
    "That, too, but this is even better."
    "What could possibly be better than a promotion?” Emily closed her desk drawer and locked it.
    "Come to dinner with me and I'll tell you."
    His joyous attitude lifted Emily's spirits. “My mother's intuition tells me this has to do with affairs of the heart.” She took his arm. “Am I right?"
    "For an older woman, you're pretty smart."
    "Older woman indeed.” Emily struck him playfully on his arm. “I will have you know I am in the prime of life."
    "Looking at you now I can believe that.” Kevin sobered. “You really are a remarkable person,” the ghost of a grin pulled at his lips again, “for an older woman."
    They had dinner at a little seafood restaurant. Emily's suspicions had been correct. They were scarcely seated at the table when Kevin said, “I've fallen in love, Mom. Her name is Stacy Morrison. She's beautiful and so sweet and loving. I want to spend the rest of my life with her."
    The rest of his life, how blind could young love be? Emily asked, “How long have you known this woman?"
    "Not very long,” Kevin admitted ruefully.
    Emily persisted, “How long?” Uneasiness began to move in around her

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