Training Amber

Free Training Amber by Desiree Holt

Book: Training Amber by Desiree Holt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Desiree Holt
Tags: Erótica
I’m going to live. How I’m going to work. Although I really think I want to go out on my own.” She took a swallow of her coffee. “I do web design as well as many other graphics. I can put up my own website, advertise in magazines and build a clientele.”
    “Oh, Amber.” Molly reached across the table and squeezed her friend’s hand. “I think that’s a wonderful idea. You could set up shop right here in the Hill Country and we could see each other a lot.”
    Amber stared into her cup. “That would be nice. Except…”
    “Except what? What’s the hang-up?”
    “For one thing you have a husband who certainly wants you to spend time with him. For another, if this thing with Rio goes no place I don’t think I could stay around and see him with other women.”
    “Don’t you think you should find out, then?” Molly asked.
    “Yeah, right. Just ask him if he plans to make this permanent? Nothing like putting him on the spot.”
    “Honey, you can do it subtly. Tell him you’re thinking about future plans. Just drop it into conversation and see what happens.” She studied Amber. “I know you’re in love with him. And I know you’re as much into the lifestyle with him as I am with Nick. If he needs a little nudge then give it to him.”
    Amber sighed. “I guess. If he says he doesn’t see us together in the future I might as well find out now.”
    “I think you might be pleasantly surprised.”
    * * * * *
    Amber had dressed with great care for the evening, wearing the red dress she’d worn the first night at Peregrine. She had a brand-new thong since Rio had kept the other one. They’d dined by candlelight on the patio in the soft Texas night. A delicious meal that he confessed with a grin came from his favorite Mexican restaurant. But as always when they were going to play, he served sparkling water instead of wine.
    Now they were in his bedroom, both of them naked. He’d kissed every single inch of her body. Then he’d bound her hands and settled her on her knees before him so she could take his cock into her mouth. She loved the feel of its hard thickness on her tongue and filling her mouth, the hot spurts of his semen as it jetted down her throat. He might be the Dom but giving him pleasure made her feel powerful too. She’d finally realized that this was what was D/s was really all about—the exchange of power. And that was why trust was so important.
    But she’d deliberately pulled her head away before he released her, knowing she’d incur a punishment. Rio laughed, stroking her chin.
    “I think you’re becoming too addicted to the whip and flogger,” he teased. “We might need to move on to something a little more sophisticated.” He swiped his tongue across her lips. “But not tonight. Tonight I think we’ll let the crop do its work. Only let’s have twenty strokes instead of the usual ten.”
    Dread and anticipation knotted in her stomach. Could she take that much?
    Of course I can. I’ve come to crave it. And he knows it.
    She liked it best with the blindfold so he tied it around her head before arranging her on the bed. Tonight he braced the pillows beneath her head and breasts and left her arms bound behind her back. Because this position exposed her even more and he didn’t want to hurt her, he removed the butt plug, drawing it out slowly.
    “Perhaps tonight I’ll replace it with something else,” he told her in a husky voice. “But first I must remind you to be an obedient sub at all times.”
    As usual he trailed the crop across her raised ass and the backs of her thighs, teasing her with it, sliding it against the exposed lips of her pussy, brushing the handle against her clit. She was shivering with need by the time the first stroke fell, the heat streaking through her cunt lips and thighs and drawing more of her liquid from her body.
    She counted silently to ten, then ground her teeth together as he added more. Thirteen, fourteen. She wriggled her ass, pulling

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