Supermarket Magic: Creating Spells, Brews, Potions and Powders From Everyday Ingredients
peace and harmony out-
    lined here, food is the best for inducing a personal inner change. Each of the magical practices presented however,
    have their own plusses and minuses and you will probably
    develop personal affinities for one or two methods over
    another. Remember that harmony and peace are gentle
    magical intentions; no force required. If the environment
    is too heavy with negativity, you should probably cleanse
    the area first in order to create a “blank” space that you can then fill with peaceful energy. This will create a stronger sense of peace and harmony.
    Shopping List
    Here’s a list of peace and harmony ingredients to use in
    the spells and recipes in this chapter.
    92 Chapter 5
    ❏ Apple
    ❏ Cornstarch
    ❏ Orange
    ❏ Apple cider
    ❏ Ginger
    ❏ Pepper
    ❏ Avocado
    ❏ Honey
    ❏ Salt
    ❏ Chamomile tea ❏ Lettuce
    ❏ Sugar
    red-leaf, and
    ❏ Cheese
    ❏ Milk
    ❏ White candle
    ❏ Cocoa powder ❏ Olive oil
    ❏ Zucchini

chapter 6
    healing is a fantastic magical practice. It really is awe-
    inspiring to magically heal someone of illness or
    speed the healing of injury. The Witches’ theory of illness is that illness is caused by imbalance. This seems to be
    confirmed to some degree by modern science since it is
    now believed that chemical imbalances in the brain can
    create mental disorders and that other bodily imbalances
    create blockages, illnesses and disorders; everything from depression to gall bladder issues to certain cancers, etc.
    Witches are taught in the practice of magical healing that we are sending energy to heal the Astral Body which then
    filters down to the physical body and helps it to heal itself.
    The body alone is an incredibly wonderful organ-
    ism that continually heals itself everyday. New cells are
    born every minute of the day. Old cells wither and die
    94 Chapter 6
    and make room for the new. We filter out all of the waste
    and excess and renew ourselves constantly. When it is
    overwhelmed by too great an amount of illness however,
    it cannot battle back from it alone and needs our assis-
    tance to become whole once more. That’s where modern
    medicine and our own practice of magical healing come
    in; no matter what practice (modern medicine or healing
    magic) is employed, it works by empowering the body’s
    own healing abilities to restore itself. Sometimes, in harsh cases (such as chemotherapy) modern medicine employs
    destructive means in order to destroy the illness and then the body is allowed to resume its own restoration process.
    For the most part, magical healing methods involve only the restorative techniques to allow the body to return to a state of wholeness. These are the ones recom-
    mended and practiced by myself and anyone else I know.
    It must also be stated that magical healing is not a sub-
    stitute for modern medical attention (or vice versa, for
    that matter); they should each be used for their respective good points and also, for each to offset what the other
    one lacks. Witches have never had a disdain for conven-
    tional medicine; we use what works! We use magic AND
    science together with the understanding that magic IS
    a science in itself and that each is a part of the greater whole. The colors I use in magical healing are white, for
    universal energy to be sent wherever it needs to go, such
    as when the actual cause of the illness may be unknown;
    light blue, as specific healing energy, sent to an injured

    Healing 95
    body part or when the cause of the illness is known (like
    the flu) and red-orange as energy for critical healing, sent for severe illnesses and to help mend broken bones or
    wounds. There are many magical means to speed heal-
    ing; from brews and potions to magic oils to special foods and luckily, a large portion of the ingredients we need are readily available at the grocery store.
    Healing; what a fabulous use of a Witches’ brew! As I said

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