
Free Significance by Shelly Crane

Book: Significance by Shelly Crane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shelly Crane
    “I think we’ve established I’m not a normal human,” I joked.
    “No, you’re not.” He smiled but then sobered. “Maggie. I’m not expecting anything here. I mean, I know it’s awkward. It’s even awkward for Aces when they imprint with each other, to just wake up one day and have all these feelings for someone you didn’t have before. We’ll take it slow. You can set the pace, ok? I’m not gonna rush you into anything. I just want to...spend time with you and get to know you. Everything else will just fall into place when it’s the right time, ok?”
    I could have cried with relief.
    “That sounds perfect.”
    “Are you ok?” He scooted closer so our legs were touching. “I know it’s a lot to take in. It must sound pretty crazy.”
    “I’m...fine. I mean, I should be freaking out. This is crazy. I guess I would be if you weren’t here. But you are here. So it doesn’t matter I guess,” I said softly.
    He smiled slowly and I gave in to the innate urge I’d had since I’d opened my eyes. I needed to touch him. I worried my bottom lip with my teeth, then timidly reached my arms around his neck to hug him. His arms went around my back and he sighed into my hair. One of his hands moved to hold the back of my head. His neck, where my face was pressed, smelled heavenly. The warmth I felt from his normal touch warmed even more. I felt so put together, so content. He was like a balm to every sore.
    “Ahem,” an annoyed voice said, interrupting.
    We pulled back reluctantly but Caleb was still holding my wrists.
    “What, Kyle?” he asked, looking at me.
    “Just checking on Mags.”
    “I’m fine,” I said, still not able to look away from Caleb yet either.
    “Of course you are. You let everyone run all over you and lover boy here is no exception,” he said sarcastically.
    “Kyle, that’s enough of that, son,” the lowest baritone voice I’d ever heard spoke from behind Kyle. We all looked up to see a man who I could only assume was Caleb’s father. He was tall and broad with brown hair. I could see Caleb in him. “Give them some slack, why don’t ya, Kyle? Sorry, Caleb. I got held up.” He walked around Kyle to sit in front of us. “Hello, Maggie. I’m Peter, Caleb’s father.” He smiled. “How are you doing this morning?”
    “I’m ok for the most part. How are you?”
    He laughed, deep and wonderful.
    “Splendid. Thank you for asking, my dear.”
    “Dad is the champion of our clan,” Caleb explained, “like I was telling you last night. He’s the main man around here.”
    “Alright, now.” His dad laughed. “Don’t go filling her head or bloating up my ego. I’m basically a glorified superintendent. So,” he slapped his hands on his knees, “you’re my son’s significant. I never thought I’d see this day. I can’t tell you how happy I am to meet you, young lady.”
    “Alright, Peter.” Grandma came back in and resumed her seat from before. “Why don’t we give the girl a break. She’s had a big day already. It’s almost lunch time anyway. Maggie, I was wondering if you might wanna stay. You can help me whip up something for dessert if you like.”
    “Sure. That’d be great.”
    She extended her hand to help me up and I took it. Once standing she took my arm in her other hand and laid her fingers precisely lining up to lay over the black handprint on my arm. She looked into my eyes and I saw her gray eyes swirl a bright green. I gasped a little and she smiled at me.
    I began to see the scene in my head of when Marcus had grabbed me but it was all backwards. It played like a movie in reverse. It was freaky. Then the vision stopped just that quick. When she removed her hand, the handprint was gone. My jaw dropped.
    “How did you do that?”
    “It’s my ability, dear. I can heal things of the supernatural. But broken arms and cuts from slicing tomatoes, now those have to be healed by your significant.”
    I jerked to look at

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