Fated Healing [Kindred of Arcadia 5] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

Free Fated Healing [Kindred of Arcadia 5] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) by Alanea Alder

Book: Fated Healing [Kindred of Arcadia 5] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) by Alanea Alder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alanea Alder
Tags: Romance
mate said. Rex grinned.
    “Why do you think I said it?” Rex blew kisses at Felix who blew them back.
    “Doc! Hurry!” A voice yelled out and Claybourne and Felix ran over to where Ms. Tully sat with Ms.
    Brayburn. The older woman had gone into convulsions again.
    “Let’s move her!” Claybourne yelled.
    They wheeled Brayburn into the adjoining smaller gym set up for the sickest of patients. He wheeled her
    to one of the stations and began to administer more Tylenol. The machines continued to beep wildly around
    them. When her breathing became labored, Claybourne intubated her to get air into her lungs. When the
    convulsions stopped her heartbeat was barely there and the respirator was breathing for her.
    “Ms. Tully, I can try giving her an injection of epinephrine. It will induce a fight or flight reaction,
    which I am hoping will trigger a shift. I have been hesitant due to her age, but considering how much she
    has deteriorated…” Claybourne left the statement hanging.
    Ms. Tully nodded. “Do it. We both know that she probably won’t make if we do nothing. If there is a
    slight probability it may work, we have to try,” she concluded. Claybourne immediately turned to the small
    table and pulled out a syringe. He injected the drug, stood back and waited. He watched the monitors. As
    the seconds turned into minutes his frown got deeper.
    “There should have been some reaction. I gave her a high enough dosage to affect her animal, much
    higher than a human dosage. There’s no reaction. Nothing.” He sounded bewildered.
    Ms. Tully patted his arm. “You’ve done everything you can,” she said, wiping her eyes.
    Claybourne checked on Brayburn’s vitals. He turned and without saying another word walked out of the
    room. Felix followed him to the men’s bathroom. His mate stood bent over the sink, his hands braced on
    either side. When he looked up to Felix, his eyes were full to overflowing with tears.
    “I can’t save her. I have no idea what is causing this. We don’t have the personnel we need. That poor
    woman, and god only knows how many more, are going to die because of me.”
    Felix had his arms wrapped around his mate within seconds. “You are not God, Claybourne. None of
    this is your fault. You are doing everything you can to keep these people alive while we investigate what’s
    causing this. There’s nothing more you can do,” Felix said, holding his mate tightly. Claybourne turned and
    pulled Felix in his arms, burying his face in his neck. Felix squeezed tighter.
    “You’re right. I have always complained that I’m simply a bone setter, not a real doctor, practicing here
    in a shifter town. But I think I’ve taken it for granted that my patients don’t get sick and die. I’m not used to
    losing people, Felix, not like this.” Claybourne stood straight and kissed Felix on the forehead.
    “We’ll get through this,” Felix said. Claybourne nodded and turned back to the sink. He ran water to
    wash his face. Felix reached over, pulled down a few paper towels and passed them to his mate.
    Claybourne smiled his thanks, wiping his face.
    “Okay. Let’s go see Ms. Tully,” Claybourne said. Felix grabbed his hand and they walked back to the
    smaller gym where Ms. Tully stood by her friend’s side.
    “Ms. Tully, I’m sorry for leaving so abruptly. Ms. Brayburn…” Claybourne started.
    “Edith. Her name is Edith. My friend is dying isn’t she, Maddox?” Ms. Tully asked.
    Claybourne nodded. “She was one of the first infected, and she just doesn’t have the strength to fight
    much longer,” Claybourne admitted.
    Ms. Tully nodded. “I will miss my friend. Can you leave us alone for a while, Doctor? I’d like to say my
    good-byes,” Ms. Tully asked softly.
    “Of course.” Claybourne kissed the older woman on the cheek and stood back. He held out his hand.
    Felix walked over and took it. Together they walked back to the others.

    * * * *

    Benedict intercepted them in the

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