
Free Return by Jordan Summers

Book: Return by Jordan Summers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jordan Summers
Tags: Romance, Erotic
reached out and clasped his hand. Her tongue flicked out a second later, tasting the salty desire covering his skin.
    She knew she played a dangerous game, but for the life of her she couldn’t stop. Something urged her on. Something feminine and needy demanded Brigit stake her claim on this man in front of Conlunar and the world, even if it was only for a day.
    Brigit dropped his hand, after taking a teasing nip and then started to crawl away. A quick yank on the chain brought her up short. The look in Orion’s eyes arrested her. Brigit felt the proverbial chain of control slip from her grasp. She’d pulled the tiger’s tail one too many times and she loved every second of it.
    Her clit throbbed, pulsing beneath the material of her dress like a deep-sea beacon. God, she wanted this man. Screams and hollers rang out from around them. Brigit could barely hear them over the sound of her blood roaring in her ears. She wished the room full of strangers would disappear. If they did, Brigit knew she’d shamelessly fuck him right here on stage. The skin on her body pulled tight as if her nerves attempted to bore to the surface.
    The chain grew slack. She decided to move, it was either that or stand and rip Orion’s clothes off. Bad idea. It would probably cause the women in the room to stampede. And right now, Brigit wasn’t about to share. She tried to slink down the stage, but it was hard to do with her arms and legs shaking beneath her.
    She glanced over her shoulder. Orion’s glazed eyes remained locked on her ass, following its movement like an angry bull obsessed with a matador’s red cape. She added an extra wiggle to her hips, watching his nostrils flare and his lungs labor.
    This was fun.
    Suddenly, the game came to an end. Orion pulled on the chain, drawing her nearer. Brigit knew she should be worried, but really, what could he do onstage surrounded by a room full of people? His thick fingers reached under the collar to pull her to her feet. He stuck his nose against the side of her head and inhaled. She trembled and the crowd let out a collective whoop. Orion seemed unconcerned with their presence. He drew one of her hands away from her body and started nibbling her fingertips, slowly making his way up her arm. His tongue swirled over each bite, caressing and inflaming.
    Brigit tried to pull away, but he held her steady. Then he stuck out his tongue completely and licked her like an ice cream cone. Her eyes bugged. Orion could shame that bass player from that famous makeup-wearing rock band with that thing.
    Where was her measuring tape when she needed it?
    Orion didn’t give her much time to dwell on his tongue’s impressive length. Brigit realized the flaw in her thinking, when he wrapped her in his arms, draping the cape vampire-style around their bodies for privacy. He swept her mouth into a searing kiss while his fingers played ring-around-the-roseywith her clit beneath the cape.
    Brigit gasped in shock, but couldn’t stop him as heat surged through her and she came hard. Orion’s lips devoured her cries of release. She bucked in his grip, but he held her against him, protectively. The crowd only saw a couple exchanging a passionate embrace. Stars swirled behind her eyelids. When he finally pulled back, Brigit heaved air into her lungs. The cape fell away, but he kept his hand resting casually at her waist. Only she and Orion knew he was the only thing preventing her from collapsing to the floor.
    The announcer climbed onto the stage and walked toward them with microphone in hand. “Wow! What a kiss! I think it’s hot in here, don’t you folks?”
    The crowd screamed.
    “Brigit and Orion are one hot couple. Let’s hear it for them.”
    The audience applauded.
    “The judges are tallying the votes now. While we’re waiting, I’d like the other couples and solo entrants to come out on stage.”
    Rick and Dorothy pushed their way to the front. Both wore scowls. Brigit couldn’t care less. She

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